‘Nikki Haley is the Meghan McCain of Liz Cheneys’ – IOTW Report

‘Nikki Haley is the Meghan McCain of Liz Cheneys’

Todd Starnes:

Nikki Haley: President Trump Let Down America.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley has bolted from President Trump, according to an interview for a Politico Magazine profile.

Here’s a snippet of the interview conducted by Tim Alberta:

“He’s not going to run for federal office again,” Haley said.

But what if he does? Or at least, what if he spends the next four years threatening to? Can the Republican Party heal with Trump in the picture?

“I don’t think he’s going to be in the picture,” she said, matter-of-factly. “I don’t think he can. He’s fallen so far.” more

25 Comments on ‘Nikki Haley is the Meghan McCain of Liz Cheneys’

  1. Nikki is working very hard toward 2024. I followed her on FB years ago, she has been posting a lot recently. She has done the right thing… some of the time. She did pretty well as UN Ambassador. But she clearly is not a consistent conservative.

  2. She just destroyed any chance of running for higher office. It’s amazing how many tone deaf politicians there are running around. Trump met with Cruz and Rand on Wednesday. Topic of discussion, primarying RINOs and the useless US Chamber of Commerce.
    I think Trump is setting up his own shadow Gov.

  3. “I don’t think he can. He’s fallen so far.”

    Horse shit! He hasn’t fallen an inch, you ignorant slut.

    He was ambushed, betrayed, back stabbed, stolen from, lied about, ass raped and ill advised.

    There are still 75+ millions of people who hold him in the same esteem as always and know that he’s only fallen in the fantasy world of the media.

  4. Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt,
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  5. I knew that limp liberal bitch was gonna be trouble when she was Gov of South Carolina and caved to the cancel culture on the STARS AND BARS flag and let them take that down then before you know it they are tearing down statues…she’s just another commie tool. FukinBitch!

  6. We all knew she was rino bullshit. She had to go prove it?

    Man, these people are REALLY insulated, and have their finger on a pulse of their Communist Chinese masters, not us.

  7. I bet she had no problem accepting the offer from Trump to be the US rep to the UN. She’s a fucking ingrate and turncoat.

    But it does strengthen my belief that Trump is not a good judge of character.


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