Nikki Haley Leads Walkout on UN Nuclear Weapons Ban Meeting – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley Leads Walkout on UN Nuclear Weapons Ban Meeting

Breitbart: American Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced Monday that her country and a list of nearly forty others would not participate in a meeting to pass an international nuclear weapons ban, calling the proposal “naive” and warning that “bad actors” like North Korea would take advantage of it.

Haley’s opposition to a global nuclear weapons ban – which she argues only responsible nations would follow, leaving them vulnerable to attack from rogue states – follows multiple calls from the Trump administration to modernize the American nuclear weapons arsenal.

“You are going to see almost 40 countries that are not in the General Assembly today,” Haley told reporters on Monday. “To ban nuclear weapons now would make us and our allies more vulnerable, and would strengthen bad actors like North Korea and Iran who would not abide by it.”

“There is nothing I want more for my family than a world with no nuclear weapons. But we have to be realistic,” Haley continued. “Is there anyone that believes that North Korea would agree to a ban on nuclear weapons?”  continued

13 Comments on Nikki Haley Leads Walkout on UN Nuclear Weapons Ban Meeting

  1. If the U.S. walked out of the U.N. everytime that body demonstrated naivete and/or greed, we would never be there. And that might not be a bad thing.

  2. I can see that woman as our first female president.

    To paraphrase Neegan on TWD, ‘ She has beach ball sized lady nuts!”

    But first and foremost, she an adult, sensible president to back her!

    Cry snowflakes, that only adds to the sense of relief.

  3. Getting rid of nuclear weapons isn’t a bad idea. But only countries that actually have nuclear weapons should get a vote on it. Plus, don’t forget to keep a few to futilely throw at inbound Earth-killing asteroids and alien invasions (from space, not Mexico).

  4. See? If all you peon, I mean “private,” citizens would just turn in your weapons, and let Good Government people keep theirs, in a few generations nobody would need to have any weapons, any more. Wait. I think I’ve heard this argument before. Hey, Karl, does this sound familiar to you?

  5. There is no one who despises the UN or NATO more than I. However, we must stay to utilize out security council veto power or Israel is toast and the united states would be pecked to death by senseless vindictive mandates from the UN.
    A lot of countries don’t like us very much and their not gonna like us a lot more when the foreign aid dries up. The veto power is essential.

  6. Too bad she didn’t have stones like that to stand up to the rabid left wing maggots over the REBEL FLAG! I still blame her for her knee jerk reaction that started the ball rolling that demonizes any part of our history that even mentions the Confederacy!

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