Nikki Haley Resigns From Boeing Board In Advance of Likely Bail-Out – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley Resigns From Boeing Board In Advance of Likely Bail-Out

Conservative Treehouse: If Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton had a child, it would be Nikki Haley.   Ms. Haley and her paid staff of political wind-testers, are constantly scanning the horizon for optics and issues that might upend her aspirations to the presidency.  Today she quits the board of Boeing after the likelihood of a government bailout starts to rise.

12 Comments on Nikki Haley Resigns From Boeing Board In Advance of Likely Bail-Out

  1. For some reason “cult of personality” is something I am not only resistant to, I am actively hostile to. Like with my reaction to Romney, I never had any use for this bint. Particularly when it comes to the eRepublican darlings.

  2. She’s served her purpose for Boeing by first covering their asses for the sloppy 777 max plane that crashed on a regular basis, and now the slowdown in orders due to the Kung Flu.
    Now she’ll get the big check, and be able to deny any influence peddling,as they groom her to be the next globalist cuck’s running mate.

  3. Slow down? See this is what I don’t understand. Boeing has a backlog of 4398 737s alone, not to mention their other planes. Producing 42 737s per month, that one aircraft is enough to keep Boeing producing for another 8.7 years.

    How do you fuck up a demand curve like that? Oh wait, right, look at the Board.

  4. Why shouldn’t she be on the lookout?
    Perspicacity is bad?
    She’s opportunistic, like every other species on Earth – so what?

    When we consider concepts like “principles” we rarely connect them to politicians – or, at least, I don’t.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I don’t know much about her but she does not appear that bad to me either.

    You should see the Assholes we have up here!

    She would be considered a “small C conservative” up here.

    She has told the UN to Go-F-Themselves and seems to be For 2a.
    In my shithole, that could get you publicly stoned.

    At least she is not getting bailout money after it will be awarded.

    The politicians with insider information who sold their stocks after their briefing should all get the same penalty as MARTHA STEWART at MINIMUM plus a 1 million dollar fine and banned from running or holding office.
    Way to Fuck the little guys you elected whores!


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