Nikki “Hallery” Seals Her Fate on SNL – IOTW Report

Nikki “Hallery” Seals Her Fate on SNL

What a dope. She not only puts a stake through her heart for any future bids, she allows the left to use her, and then abuse her, when they openly mock her at the end.

She’s just shown she would be a horrible statesman, ceding to the left like a groveling quisling.

She is a Democrat.

30 Comments on Nikki “Hallery” Seals Her Fate on SNL

  1. I don’t watch SNL anymore, and haven’t for literally decades. I saw the very first telecast in 1974 and watched it for years when it was genuinely funny and creative. Sometimes the humor was pretty juvenile, but it was right in my wheelhouse back then.

    Those days are long gone. It is now just snipe time against anything conservative, as far as I can tell.

    Uncle Al…NatLampoon used to be so funny back in the 1970’s. I don’t even know if its published anymore. And how about Heavy Metal? Lots of strange stuff in that magazine but very creative and entertaining.

  2. “Vote for Haley or I’ll shoot this dog.”

    Nice……………..we are probably the only 2 people that got that reference.

    I know that DJT wanted a woman for the UN slot (further validating the notion that any foray into identity politics is a loser) but the red flags were glaring even when she was governor.

    My disdain for this woman eclipses even Romany and McCain.

  3. Who was the black girl at the end the simpleton crowd cheered for?

    Nikki was on Jimmy Falia’s show and that idiot debased himself.
    Falia is dumb and very unfunny.
    Two weeks ago he was blasting DeSantis.
    This week he was kissing Nikki’s brown ass and blasting Trump.
    What a fat dickhead…

  4. She got paid by the GOPes to run against Trump, she’ll keep the campaign chest remains when she soon quits. She also did SNL to get paid. All about her. She is broadcasting loudly that she could give a rat’s ass about this country, but she is always available for hire.

    Consider her for the next bachelor party. Like those donkeys in Tijuana.

  5. Who told her she should model herself after Hillary and Liz Cheney? Trump must have an insider on her campaign staff. 😆 I can’t make sense of her nonsense other than she’s dumb and a globalist.

    No one wants an b*tchy woman as President.

  6. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Democrats and Republican establishment doesn’t try to pull of some version of this next:

    [the Johnsons load their guns and point them at Bart. Bart then points his own pistol at his head]
    Bart: [low voice] Hold it! Next man makes a move, the nigger gets it!
    Olson Johnson: Hold it, men. He’s not bluffing.
    Dr. Sam Johnson: Listen to him, men. He’s just crazy enough to do it!
    Bart: [low voice] Drop it! Or I swear I’ll blow this nigger’s head all over this town!
    Bart: [high-pitched voice] Oh, lo’dy, lo’d, he’s desp’it! Do what he sayyyy, do what he sayyyy!
    [townspeople drop their guns; Bart jams the gun into his neck and drags himself through the crowd towards the station]
    Harriet Johnson: Isn’t anybody going to help that poor man?
    Dr. Sam Johnson: Hush, Harriet! That’s a sure way to get him killed!
    Bart: [high-pitched voice] Oooh! He’p me, he’p me! Somebody he’p me! He’p me! He’p me! He’p me!
    Bart: [low voice] Shut up!
    [Bart places his hand over his own mouth, then drags himself through the door into his office]
    Bart: Ooh, baby, you are so talented!
    [looks into the camera]
    Bart: And they are so *dumb*!

  7. …well, at least she realizes she’s more suited for comedy and everything about her ambitions is a bad joke, so there’s that…maybe Zelinsky can teach her some piano tricks or something, seems to have worked for him…

  8. I think this scummy woman’s plan is to hang on in the event Trump is DQ’d or murdered. Worse, I think she’ll run as a third party candidate to saborage Trump. She is a paid-off swamp piece of shit, after all.

  9. You can almost hear the groveling. “You like me — you really like me!” No, you poor deluded fool — they’re just using you to attack someone they hate even worse.

  10. Well, at least she didn’t say “Please applaud.” like Traitor George’s brother Jeb said, or did she?

    I can see her workin in an Indian Quickie Mart but not much else.

  11. That lying, two faced, backstabbing bitch couldn’t get elected dog catcher in SC.
    Anybody who thinks the War of Northern Aggression was over slaves is a bona fide idiot.
    Her husband was deployed twice with the NG, she played around both times.
    He’s on his way to Africa now, wonder if she has another paramour lined up yet.

  12. …and this nitwit had the gall to suggest that doctor Jill had failed in her duty to tell her husband the truth. Give me a break. She doesn’t have anyone who has told her that at this point it’s obvious to anyone with any sense that she is making a spectacle of herself to reap the reward of whatever is left in her campaign war chest. Which, by the way, at this point serves as nothing more than a transparent funnel of money from the Never Trump Republican establishment to reward her for her future efforts in lining their pockets.

  13. I’m surprised they didn’t dress her in an Elmer Fudd costume and send her down to a New Hampshire Walmart with a camera crew to ask: Can I get me a hunting license here? Next up a Beatle Bailey helmet and trip around the track in a tank.

  14. Donald J Trump the WWE is calling! Since Vince McMahon got outted we need a spokesman. You fit perfectly, womanizing, pedometer off the charts & your loud mouth lying fits our bill.

  15. Republican, democrat, independent, rino, communist, thugee, sikh, what ever the woman is, what she is not is… a smart critical thinker. Megan Kelly could have given her some advice on kissing leftist ass, all it does is leave a shitty taste in your mouth. They’re certainly happy to have you do it but it doesn’t change the fact that they are ENEMIES of HUMANITY. It just means you are either genuinely not self aware or you are stupid in kissing up to them.


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