NitWit Romney “Can’t Understand” Trump’s Attacks Aimed at John McCain – IOTW Report

NitWit Romney “Can’t Understand” Trump’s Attacks Aimed at John McCain

All anyone needs to know how Romney will govern is here–>

 “I can’t understand why the President would, once again, disparage a man as exemplary as my friend John McCain: heroic, courageous, patriotic, honorable, self-effacing, self-sacrificing, empathetic, and driven by duty to family, country, and God,” Romney said.

So, McShitstain is a desirable model, eh?



22 Comments on NitWit Romney “Can’t Understand” Trump’s Attacks Aimed at John McCain

  1. There ought to be a “gofundme” account started with a view to raise enough money for a full page in the major papers that outlines John McCain’s career transgressions against the law, his betrayal of the MIA movement, the S+L rat trap he was caught in, his military career, his personal bastardism (the way he treated his first wife who was dying with cancer while he romanced the heiress), the way he treated (and allowed her to be treated by his senior staff) Sarah Palin during and after the election campaign, the handling and promoting of the Steele Dossier etc etc etc. Write it in plain english (or include a spanish translation) then maybe Romney, McCain’s daughter, the Bush’s and all the others that worship him would finally understand just how badly they’ve been lied to and used.

  2. Songbird McCain was “heroic, courageous, patriotic, honorable, self-effacing, self-sacrificing, empathetic” ?

    One hundred thirty-four crew members of the USS FORRESTAL beg to differ.

  3. “I can’t understand …”
    Should have stopped right there.

    No, Mittens, you can’t. You never will understand what it means to be American, and not a fukkin parasite. You can’t see that McCain was just another stinking parasite like yourself – a lying, stinking, filthy, treasonous piece of shit who sold out his country for his nihilistic beliefs.

    Fuck Off, Mittens – don’t involve yourself in things that you admit you can’t understand.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent, hip-deep in a coup against the President.

    Understand? Check the transcript, Candy.

  5. I have an empty binder for all the fucks I give for Romney’s opinions.

    After taking a dive against the worst president in history, it was either the Senate in Utah or chairman of the board at Fox news I guess.

  6. Amazing, at this particular juncture in history, across the fifty states. the American voters elected both knowingly and willingly the most incompetent, disloyal, backstabbing, traitorous, cabal of loony toon, filthy dirtbags, to public office possible!

  7. Well I can’t understand why Mitt wouldn’t fight back when he was being accused of wanting to murder his employees and their spouses, torture his dog, beat up on gays and all the other BS they threw at him. So it isn’t mind boggling Mittens, the guy that somehow lost against a guy that completely destroyed healthcare and the economy hence losing over 60 seats in the House the election before and managed to resoundingly lose before the polls were even closed in CA can’t understand the mentality and actions of the guy that actually wins.

  8. I voted against Jenny Wilson. Unfortunately, that meant putting Bro. Mitt in as Senator from Utah. More unfortunate is that Jenny Wilson was installed as Salt Lake County Mayor to replace the triumphant Ben McAdams, who now claims to represent my district in Congress.

    McAdams’ success was a machination of Bro. Mitt and the other Utah nevertrumpers, who setup Mia Love and left her to her own devices (a truly cruel and pitiless act).

    Bro. Mitt is no more the Senator from Utah than was his predecessor, though Hatch at least tried harder to put on the facade.

    Realpolitik sucks, but the alternative is worse.

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