NJ Dem Amy Kennedy Owns up to $75,000 in Chinese Stock – IOTW Report

NJ Dem Amy Kennedy Owns up to $75,000 in Chinese Stock

WFB: New Jersey Democrat Amy Kennedy, who has attacked President Donald Trump’s hardline economic approach to China, owns up to $75,000 in investments in China-based companies, including some backed by the Communist regime.

Kennedy—who is married to Patrick Kennedy, son of late senator Ted Kennedy (D., Mass.), and running for Congress in New Jersey’s competitive Second Congressional District—owns stock in five companies headquartered in China, including at least one state-owned insurance firm. Meanwhile, she has advocated for easing economic pressure on China on the campaign trail. Her campaign site accuses President Donald Trump and Republicans of engaging in “reckless and irrational trade wars” with Beijing and calls to expand trade with China.

The companies Kennedy is invested in could benefit from a less forceful approach to China’s economy. University of California San Diego political economist Victor Shih told NPR late last year that Trump’s policies were having “a pretty major impact” on the Chinese economy. Vipshop, a Guangzhou-based discount e-commerce site in which Kennedy holds stock, for example, has seen its shares fall during Trump’s crackdown on the country. more

10 Comments on NJ Dem Amy Kennedy Owns up to $75,000 in Chinese Stock

  1. Gee … a hypocritical Kennedy?
    A hypocritical Demonrat?

    Say it ain’t so!

    The Kennedy family’s been harvesting $Millions off of racist real-estate “set-asides” for 25 years, or so.
    Why would they balk at “investing” in the Chi-Coms?

    By the by – their idea of “investing” is (probably) similar to Clinton’s and Biden’s – sell out America under a guise of investment.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Handsome MD
    SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 AT 7:04 AM

    Sell it and start a small business.”

    …so Democrat governors and mayors can have something else for the mob to burn and loot the next time they give them “space to destroy”, and tax and regulate it to death in the meantime,when not actively shutting it down for fake political ‘diseases’?

    No thanks. Not a great investment.

    That’s why cities never recover from riots.

    Because business owners don’t have a SECOND lifetime to build them back up…

  3. Y’all should check your investments for China stocks. I asked my investment manager to get me out of any China holdings. He checked and did not find any. I told him to keep it that way.

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