NJ Dems vow to defy Christie’s order expanding gun permits, say only criminals should have guns – IOTW Report

NJ Dems vow to defy Christie’s order expanding gun permits, say only criminals should have guns

WyBlog: One of the few good things to come out of Chris Christie’s quixotic quest for the presidency was his embrace of the Second Amendment. Earlier this month he issued an Executive Order relaxing gun permit and transport regulations. Because, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. And New Jersey issues fewer than 500 carry permits annually, mostly to retired law enforcement officers. Which didn’t help domestic violence victim Carol Bowne, whose application for a firearms permit was held up by red tape, allowing her stalker ex-boyfriend to murder her in cold blood in her own driveway.  MORE

5 Comments on NJ Dems vow to defy Christie’s order expanding gun permits, say only criminals should have guns

  1. Permits to *buy*? Seriously? Even the Peoples’ Communist Shithole of California doesn’t require a fucking permit.

    Nice job New Jersey, you are a worse cesspit of treasonous totalitarianism than California.

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