NJ Guv Goes For 1st Prize in the Covid-19 Overreaction Awards – IOTW Report

NJ Guv Goes For 1st Prize in the Covid-19 Overreaction Awards

This idiot doesn’t see an end in site –

NJ stay at home order continued indefinitely.

  “I don’t want folks to lose their hope.” –Gov. Phil Murphy


There is no end in sight for the stay-at-home order in New Jersey.  It comes as the coronavirus outbreak is now blamed for the deaths of more than 6,000 people across the state.

The state-at-home order has been in place across New Jersey since March 21, 2020.

On Monday afternoon, Gov. Phil Murphy explained the steps that he says need to take place to reopen the state.  

“To move out from under this order we will need to see, at least, a sustained reduction in the number of new positive COVID-19 test results, new COVID-19 hospitalizations, and other metrics,” Murphy said.

Looking forward to the summer, Murphy said he could not see a normal beach season at the Jersey shore.  He expects there to be social distancing at the beach through the summer.


ht/ fdr in hell

12 Comments on NJ Guv Goes For 1st Prize in the Covid-19 Overreaction Awards

  1. Everyone in NJ must just say “Screw you” and just step outside and go downtown, to the beach, to church and open their stores in Patriotic defiance of these government dictates that restrict our basic freedoms. Hey….They can’t arrest everyone.

  2. Why would he say anything else?. The assholes got their hand on the federal money spigot and Trump ain’t slapping it away….yet…I hope he does…..

    It’s like retarded children giving themselves a bath and they don’t ever need to pay the water bill…..

  3. “I don’t want folks to lose their hope.” –Gov. Phil Murphy

    Dude, these people already live in New Jersey, what possible hope could they ever have?

  4. Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
    C. S. Lewis

  5. “I don’t want folks to lose their hope.”
    Bullshit, the tyrant dosen’t want to lose power, he’s about as concerned about the peasants as Joe Stalin.

  6. “I don’t want folks to lose their hope.” – Gov. Phil Murphy

    Wait until they lose their sh!t and ride you out of Trenton on a rail, complete with tar and feathers.

    We used to call New Jersey “the armpit of the Nation.”
    The new name is “the anus of the Nation” though there’s some stiff competition for 2nd Place.



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