NJ Guv Staff Says Murphy is Hiding From Voters That He Will Issue Statewide Vax Mandate AFTER Election – IOTW Report

NJ Guv Staff Says Murphy is Hiding From Voters That He Will Issue Statewide Vax Mandate AFTER Election

17 Comments on NJ Guv Staff Says Murphy is Hiding From Voters That He Will Issue Statewide Vax Mandate AFTER Election

  1. We are all well aware; if the dems ever tell the truth, it won’t be until after the damage has been done and they KNOW that nothing will ever be done about it, certainly not by the republicans.

  2. Show me one democrat that doesn’t plan to go along and push the vax mandates and passports. And the ones that get ‘elected’ to gov in the next week are the ones that now have 4 years to reign tyranny down the hardest.

  3. After the last election, if you didn’t get the message, you’re an addicted democrat cool aide drinker and there is no help for you. Maybe after America crashes burns to ash, some of them just might wake up, but don’t hold your breath.

  4. “Speaking of Ian Smith”

    Which segues nicely with what Stirrin and I were discussing yesterday, about this game of inches. CRT in schools is one inch, unconstitutional mask and vaccine mandates is one inch, label disgruntled parents as domestic terrorists is one inch, open the borders is another inch, make hard working Americans economically destitute by devaluing their savings, another inch, and mocking election laws, one more inch. For a year now they have inched us, or death by a thousand cuts, to the point where our current landscape is unrecognizable.

    And they will do it again re: the 2022 congressional elections.

  5. Have you watched college football games lately? They’re packed with maskless, fanatical kids who just want a chance to live the way their parents did. And they’re playing in states with no mask mandates – stadiums packed with people finally ignoring the scam. You’d think people in Leftist states with mask and vaccine mandates would notice this and think, “Huh? What’s up with THAT? Something’s not right…”

    But I wonder if those college kids know what’s coming. They seem to partying like there’s no tomorrow.


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