NJ Guv’s Wife is Running For Menendez’s Seat – IOTW Report

NJ Guv’s Wife is Running For Menendez’s Seat

If she is half as bad as her husband, she is horrible.

New Jersey first lady Tammy Murphy on Wednesday announced a candidacy for the Democratic nomination for US Senate in next year’s race. With the announcement of her campaign on Wednesday, the AP says that she has a chance to make history as the first woman elected to the Senate from New Jersey. While Rep. Andy Kim is already a fixture in the Democratic primary, US Sen. Bob Menendez hasn’t ruled out a bid in 2024 despite losing considerable party support in the wake of federal bribery accusations. In a video that lasted around four minutes and was put online, she said that “we need a senator who will work every single day to cut the cost of living, safeguard abortion rights, solve the gun violence pandemic, and defend our democracy.”

Murphy, 58, has made maternal and infant health and environmental protection her major priorities as first lady, subjects she underlined in her announcement. She is a regular event attendee with her Democratic governor husband. Tammy Murphy is a native of Virginia and a graduate of the University of Virginia. She and her husband, Phil, both worked in finance at Goldman Sachs before relocating to New Jersey. The governor, who is finishing up his second term, may rest easy knowing that the Democrats won up at least five seats in the Assembly in the recent midterm elections. The first lady, who conducted a successful campaign alongside the governor to enhance their party’s legislative majorities, may benefit greatly from their victories in the counties.

Murphy has made a name for herself in New Jersey’s political community. Murphy is a former Republican who has admitted to having given to the party and has spoken about his upbringing in a Republican stronghold in Virginia. Before her husband ran for government, she switched parties and became a Democrat.

What an idiot.

17 Comments on NJ Guv’s Wife is Running For Menendez’s Seat

  1. “we need a senator who will work every single day to cut the cost of living, safeguard abortion rights, solve the gun violence pandemic, and defend our democracy.”

    All lies. “Problems” that simply don’t exist. The cost of living steadily increases BECAUSE of the corrupt maggots in the Senate, the House, and the White Hut. There is NO “right” to abortion – there is no “right” to any sort of ritualistic murder. There is NO SUCH THING as “gun” violence – a gun is an inanimate object which cannot initiate violence – it must be wielded.
    And lastly, we have no “democracy” to defend – we live in a Republic – not a rule by mob.

    If her statement of intent is a tissue of lies, what will characterize her time in office?

    But, New Jersey is the very heart of corruption and the voters will means nothing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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