NJ Town plans to use air horns to deal with wild turkey problem – IOTW Report

NJ Town plans to use air horns to deal with wild turkey problem

wild turkey flight

TEANECK, N.J. (AP) — A New Jersey town plans to acquire 20 air horns to help its residents deal with aggressive wild turkeys.

Animal Control Officer Vincent Ascolese said he will give the air horns to Teaneck officials to distribute to the public, The Record newspaper reported

“We have to coexist as best as possible,” he said.

Amy Schweitzer, of the state Department of Environmental Protection’s fish and wildlife division, said she captured an aggressive male turkey on Tuesday, which she said will help ease the aggression of the wild birds.  more

24 Comments on NJ Town plans to use air horns to deal with wild turkey problem

  1. And the people in places like NJ think rednecks in the south are somehow less intelligent than they are. From the linked article:

    “Town officials said only the state is able to touch the birds, but residents can humanely scare them away by using water hoses or making loud noises to assert dominance.”

    Only “THE STATE” can touch the birds. The type of wild turkey in my neck o’ the woods that causes the most serious problems comes in bottles. We have a month or two long “turkey season” (recently ended) and any aggressive wild turkeys of the fowl variety are generally the first to get shot and eaten. And we don’t have to report them to “the state” or get the state to do our killin’ for us.

    Imagine …… in a supposedly free country, people have to “report” aggressive birds (turkeys) to the state govt. because only the state govt. has the authority to “touch” them. Our founders weep over the scattered remnants of freedom remaining of what they envisioned and set forth some 240 years ago. O’ how the mighty have fallen!

  2. I have some wild turkeys on my property and I use a 12 gauge shotgun
    to control the population. I give fresh turkeys to friends and relatives at least twice a year. Some times I get a special order to go get one or two for a family meal. They are good eating.

  3. From the link: “Town officials said only the state is able to touch the birds…”

    People have been lied to by so many levels of government for so very long they actually believe this.

    Any “power” the government possesses comes from the citizens. It has been ‘delegated’ to them to act in our stead. Delegation is NOT abdication. It is the grant of authority but never responsibility. The latter cannot be delegated.

    When the government (any type) overspends and needs more money they raise taxes. This is them telling you loud and clear that you are in fact responsible for their actions.

    Except in very few and narrow cases the citizen possesses every power government does.

    But this is out of fashion in our education system to pass along to our populace. It went out of fashion before the civil war.

    Wonder why?

  4. “We have to coexist as much as possible”.
    Sounds like a PETA problem.
    PETA the peas next to the potatoes next to the turkey leg.
    Or were you thinking of the “animal rights” PETA?

  5. I figured the stupid-ass liberals would be calling for some kind of turkey anger management sessions or something. We generally use shotguns in Arkansas. F*ck the government — they forget they are our SERVANTS not our masters. The sooner we put those bastards in their rightful, constitutional place, the sooner we can start to enjoy freedom.

  6. The Sherriff of Nottingham agrees with government ownership of wildlife ad severe prosecution if the serfs harvest animals for food.

    I wonder if the air horns will work on BLM and sanders supporters?

  7. Are they going to issue umbrellas and shower caps when the turkeys shit on you when they fly away startled over the top of you after you blast an air horn at them. We never had a problem with turkeys when I was growing up in the 60’s and 70’s in Eastern Wash. and N. Idaho until some liberal do gooders reintroduced them into the woods, now the damned things are everywhere, I see them all the time even inside the city of Spokane.

  8. I’ve had wild turkeys sneak up behind me one morning in Priest River, Id. while making a delivery at one of my customers. I didn’t even see them until they startled me by gobbling loudly. And one other time a car hit a turkey in front of me N. of St. Maries, Id. and the guy behind me stopped his beat up pickup truck and threw the turkey in the back of his truck. What a way to get a free dinner.

  9. Can officials get any dumber? People will complain about the air horns making noise. Officials here put in fake hawks that screech every 3 minutes to keep the pigeons off of a certain structure here. There’s more pigeons now than ever roosting on this structure. CA officials even killed a pigeon and hung it upside down with fishing line to scare the birds. I took pictures of it, and I told them I was sending it to PETA and the newspaper and someone’s ass is going to get fired. The dead pigeon disappeared.

  10. “NJ Town plans to use air horns to deal with wild turkey problem”

    My solution: Either a 12 gauge or a shot glass, or both.

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