NLRB Prepares To Exterminate “Scabby the Rat” – IOTW Report

NLRB Prepares To Exterminate “Scabby the Rat”

National Law Review

For decades, unions have used Scabby the Rat as a protest symbol. The giant inflatable rat is most commonly used by unions to protest on job sites where contractors are employing non-union labor. The use of the rat has come under scrutiny over the years, as courts and the NLRB have weighed in on whether the rat is unlawfully coercive secondary picketing, or whether it is a lawful exercise of a union’s free speech rights.

NLRB General Counsel Peter Robb has advocated for the former interpretation of Scabby’s legal status. Robb has signaled that Scabby’s days are numbered and the current NLRB seems to be moving in that direction. More

14 Comments on NLRB Prepares To Exterminate “Scabby the Rat”

  1. Hi, are you the Planned parenthood rep? Y’all don’t mind if I park this 74 foot aborted baby model in your parking lot, do you? OK Great!
    I have 98 foot scissors coming tomorrow. It’s gonna hook up where the neck is and .. oh right right, you guys already know how it works.

  2. My experience at a union shop was not so good.
    Interviewed and got the job. On my first day of work the following Monday I had to cross a picket line manned by my new coworkers!
    By and large those people were bozos. My take is the union REWARDS mediocrity.

    Never worked Union since then.

  3. I started out Union on a job in 1980. Almost immediately I found myself at odds with local reps. In 1987 I went management. I was still at odds with the local but I wasn’t paying their extorted union dues.

  4. Even after I quite the union in 2008 (because they refused to remove a giant obola banner at the union hall), I still honored my friends and coworkers during strikes. Always put $ into my strike fund and they came in handy. So glad to be retarded……I mean retired.

  5. Hahahahahaha!!! My old roommate was a union painter. They didn’t have an inflatable rat….but they did have a rat costume they made new members wear while picketing whatever job site for the day.

    My old roomie got the rat gig….. he had to wear the costume….. in front of the catholic church he attended.


    Man, he was pissed. It was hilarious. Why? Because we all knew who was in a rat suit picketing a church. Lot of drive-bys in “support”.


  6. ” You even been hungry, Burr? Not just ready for supper. Hungry enough so that your belly swells? You’d eat it. You’d fight for the bones, too.”

    Scabby Rat, it’s what’s for dinner.

  7. I was in the Teamsters Union Local 959, Roughnecks and Drillers Association, in Alaska. That was back in the Pipeline days and they were corrupt as hell. The Roughnecks and Drillers got tired of their bullshit and we left, and they didn’t fight it because we were small potatoes compared to pipeline operations. Not a union guy.

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