No, Algoreans, Carbon Dioxide Won’t Cause Famines – IOTW Report

No, Algoreans, Carbon Dioxide Won’t Cause Famines

EPA Abuse


Historian Geoffrey Parker is the author of Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the 17th Century. In a recent opinion piece, he suggested that the desperate climate from 1600 to 1700 is a template for human collapse in our twenty-first century. There are two massive flaws in his theory.

Almost all past agricultural and cultural collapses occurred during “little ice ages,” not during our many global warm periods. In addition, today’s seeds, fertilizers, and modern farming techniques and technologies are far superior to anything mankind possessed during previous crises.

The seventeenth century was part of the 550-year Little Ice Age, the most recent of at least seven “little ice ages” that have befallen the planet since the last Pleistocene Ice Age ended some 13,000 years ago. Studying sediment deposits in the North Atlantic, Gerard Bond of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory found such centuries-long “little ice ages” beginning at 1300 AD, 600 AD, 800 BC, 2200 BC, 3900 BC, 7400 BC, 8300 BC, and perhaps at 9100 BC. In fact, these worldwide Dansgaard-Oeschger disasters arrived on a semi-regular basis some 600 times over the past million years.



7 Comments on No, Algoreans, Carbon Dioxide Won’t Cause Famines

  1. Algoreans are the pig-faced belligerents from the terraformed bug planet Algore Six, hence not native.

    Mostly they fly around in giant carbon-spewing jets, bribing politicians and grunting mating calls at unwashed, brain-damaged earth women.

  2. There is no climate crisis. CO2 has no effect on the Earths temperature. CO2 increases after a warm period with a 1000 yr. delay plus or minus 200 yrs. CO2 was 6000ppm in the Cambrian Period with no runaway warming. The current 400ppm is reversing desertification and giving flora a much needed breath of fresh air with increased growth and crop yields. We need more CO2, not less. Plants love it and AlGore hates it.

  3. I can’t wait to use it.

    Algoreans from Algorvania, a place where there are no polar bears, no cow farts, everything is under 20 feet of water, with only bird chopping wind mills and condor frying solar collectors for power and exploding Chevy Volts and Fisker Bad Karma’s for transportation. Oh and I forgot, the bicycle.

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