No Balls – IOTW Report

16 Comments on No Balls

  1. At this point the governments of Portland and Seattle have no moral authority to claim any legitimate monopoly on the dispensation of justice. There is no rule of law in effect and any concept of people taking the law into their own hands being vigilantism is absurd on it’s face.

    Among the most basic of rights is the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

    The legitimacy of any government’s monopoly on enforcement, investigation or punishment of perceived offenses demands that government make a good faith effort to take reasonable steps to protect the rights of innocent citizens. When they shirk that responsibility they forfeit any claim that they have that the ordinary citizen has by default become a willing victim.

    Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities”

    At this juncture a critical mass accepts the absurd notions being promulgated by the progressive movement, to not recognize that they are now engaging in wholesale violation of basic human rights is a preposterous notion.

  2. if the portland cops fought back what do you think would happen to them?
    and what do you think would happen to the antifa?

    they might just as well call in sick.
    not put themselves out there to be put down by the antifa’s.

  3. Any cop with any dignity or sense of justice would have left Portland PD years ago. All you have left are SJWs trannys, and diversity quota-hires. And this is what you get. Pedo Joe and his Blow Ho will be doing the same thing to our military.

  4. They were either helpers of the ANTIFA squad that assissinated a Don man 7 months ago; or were in agreement with them and therefore stood by. It was the Feds who 3 days later got the shooter. ONLY THE SHOOTER! The rest re “out there” somewhere.

  5. Cops will be retiring in droves this summer. They’re getting tons of OT and they’ll 60-80% retirement pay based on their last years salary.

    Keep your head down, follow orders, retire well off.

  6. Other jurisdictions are picking up their best, well trained, experienced officers at the residents of Portland and Seattle’s expense. All they are going to be left with are liabilities, but leftists never consider the consequences of their schemes.

  7. The Boston massacre in 1770 was started by a bunch of pissed off Colonials who threw snow balls at the British troops for illegally occupying Boston. We need to call out Antifa and throw not only snow balls back at them but use deadly force to quell their insurrection as well. Our forefathers stood up and fought oppression, why can’t we? And don’t tell me we can’t fight Antifa because it’s politically incorrect to do so, they’re the enemy and need to be destroyed.


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