No, Barr did not lie to congress – IOTW Report

No, Barr did not lie to congress

Andrew McCarthy obliterates the big LIE that “A.G. Barr lied”. He has a few choice words for that incurious GOOFBALL “Judge Nap”. Normally, I don’t share but it’s the only place this stellar refutation is published.

-c. steven tucker

8 Comments on No, Barr did not lie to congress

  1. I wonder how many people fall for claims like this lie stuff, and how many see right through them?

    I suppose it’s related to the number that think for themselves and the number that just let themselves to be told what to think.

  2. Left Coast Dan – Judge Nap has been a sensitive bitch for a looong time.
    I remembered when he called himself a libertarian and then he proceeded to trash-talk other libertarians on his side. Thinks so much of himself. Pious sack of crap.


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