No Better Place To Die – IOTW Report

No Better Place To Die

Retired Marine Captain and long time movie consultant, Dale Dye, wants to make a D-Day movie outside of the usual Hollywood production channels. Which means it’ll be good.


The Indiegogo site for the project fundraising is Here

9 Comments on No Better Place To Die

  1. It could be a good movie, but it’s tough to get behind someone who is already deep in the Hollywood scene. Especially when he is looking for Veterans and members of the public to help finance his project.

  2. I’ve got mixed feelings. Yes the concept of veterans playing the part of soldiers is sound, see anything Lee Marvin was in for example. And yes, WWII is very much worth remembering. But it’s also worth remembering that’s the last time the politicians used the military to actually defend the country.

    I’m going to do a long post here so bail if you must. One of my nephews is deploying again this month. And I just got off the phone with my daughter who’s desperately trying to keep my grandson in school instead of the Marine Corps.

    Chris’ deployment makes number eight for the military age men in our family between him, my son and my other nephew. I’ve always been proud of them and also resentful at the waste their service has been in a war led by those who will not name the enemy.

    So in gathering my thoughts regarding the recruiter coming to my daughters house, the truth, as I now see it, is unavoidable. Since Bill Clinton was in office the military hasn’t defended the country, they’ve defended islam; from itself. For every young patriot we send over there to die we bring more of THEM over here. I can’t go to the store without seeing those damned head scarves, and I can’t see a head scarf without thinking about a swastika armband, because they are, in fact, synonymous.

    Trump may be doing a better job (for now), but Bush did to, initially, then turned on a spigot of American blood to try to wash the sins of islam off the koran. And the next one could be worse than any to date.

    So, yes, I’ll always honor our veterans, I’ll always be a history buff. But we have got to stop romanticizing all wars by renewing interests in what is arguable the only war in our nation’s history since the Revolution that actually needed to be fought.

    Thanks for letting me vent. And remember we still have precious blood in harm’s way, even if it’s more and more for the wrong reason.

  3. One of the problems with indie films is that all of the entities involved in production, such as unions, suppliers, etc, demand massive escrow accounts to be sure they get paid since the producers have no track record. This is one way leftists keep conservative productions down to a minimum.

  4. Platoon. I’m not one to condemn a guy for past indiscretions, especially if they have been involved with decent projects since then. Having said that, the fact that he included ‘Platoon” in his artistic ‘CV,’ I’ll err on the side of caution…I’ll not contribute; pig-in-a-poke and all that.

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