No business at the White House: Biden’s inexperienced lackeys unlikely to pull US out of inflation doom – IOTW Report

No business at the White House: Biden’s inexperienced lackeys unlikely to pull US out of inflation doom


By Miranda Devine

You’ve heard the saying, “Get woke, go broke.”

Well, that is exactly what is happening to America as President Biden prioritizes woke concerns such as climate change and gender and racial “equity” over sound economic management.

With inflation hitting a spine-chilling record 9.1%, there is fat chance of his know-nothing administration having the competence and know-how to pull us out of this doom spiral.

It’s no accident, either, since Biden deliberately has appointed people who tick the right “diversity” boxes, in terms of their physical appearance, with no concern about whether they are qualified to oversee a $6 trillion federal government.

A staggering new report from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity shows that most of Biden’s top officials have zero experience in ­business. 

Economists Stephen Moore and Jon Decker analyzed the work records and résumés of 68 officials with carriage of the economy and found almost two-thirds have zero business experience, including Biden himself. Just one in eight has what you could call “extensive” experience in business. more

12 Comments on No business at the White House: Biden’s inexperienced lackeys unlikely to pull US out of inflation doom

  1. The central planners have planned and they’re working the plan. The plan is working and Klaus and George are happy. Unlike the rest of us, they will own a hell of a lot and be very, very happy about it.

    Those 68 with no business experience have been promised a seat at the big table when the job is complete. They don’t know enough about history to even suspect that they will be at the bottom of the big mass grave.

  2. Biden touts the diversity of his admin, saying it looks like America. No, it does not. He has assembled a bunch of incompetents, while the typical American is actually competent at their job, and has a fair amount of common sense to boot.

  3. It is fair to recognize that the Fed has been pumping for a couple of decades, that we knew that low inflation would eventually end, and that Trump signed the first bill paying people to not work. But the current administration has been taking deliberate action to make it worse.

  4. Can someone explain how the gov’t can fix inflation? Isn’t it something that has already happened and you can only stop it from getting worse? Isn’t government spending the only cause of inflation? It used to be only when gov’t was printing more currency than was backed by gold, but now there is no gold (or anything else) backing our currency.

  5. oldvet50 – They have no intentions of fixing inflation. Remember they said “inflation is good” and “More Americans feel financially comfortable now than any time since 2013”
    Their goal is to drive it up and destroy the middle class and nation with it under the cover of propaganda! If inflation was our only problem that they caused then that would be a different ball game, but when it is only a part of all the destructive things they’ve perpetrated Inflation becaomes a cog in the machine they’ve put together.
    So far they have deliberately:
    1 Destroyed our Energy sources
    2 Destroyed our Military
    3 Destroyed our Foreign Policy
    4 Destroyed our Police forces
    5 Destroyed our big cities
    6 Destroyed our Southern Border
    7 Destroyed our entire Immigration process
    8 Destroyed agreements
    9 Destroyed the World’s confidence in the United States of America!
    10 Destroyed the Manufacturing Supply Chain
    11 Destroyed the Economy with raging inflation
    12 Destroyed the Dollar
    13 Destroyed the Stock Market
    14 Destroyed employment
    15 Destroyed small businesses
    16 Destroyed entire cities
    17 Destroyed food distribution centers
    18 Created a baby formula shortage crisis while making sure Illegals have plenty.
    19 Enabled school shooters and blocked initiatives to harden school security.
    20 Created an exploding crime wave due to “Defunding the Police and turning violent criminals loose.

  6. Government, academia, entertainment, the refuge of those who cannot accomplish or add value to society.

    Our greatest weakness as a nation is being so distracted by doing important things we allowed these imbeciles to take over.

  7. Below are Saul Alinsky’s Eight Steps,

    1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people
    2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

    3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

    4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

    5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

    6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

    7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

    8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

    You simply don’t have time to sit around and complain.


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