No Comment – IOTW Report

No Comment

I lied. I have a comment.

I’m taking all politics out of this one. Forget that it’s a yellow vest versus a cop.

I might be in the minority, but I see a guy who thinks he’s found a get out of jail free card, his motorized wheelchair.

If you purposely drive it into me, not only would I release the pepper spray, I might flatten your tires.

I hate being simultaneously told that they are “handicapable!” and then the “awwwwww” card is pulled once they are treated like anyone else.

Don’t blame me. I’ve been tainted by the left’s annoying use of shields. It triggers me into become an a-hole.

26 Comments on No Comment

  1. BFH, I try not to get to wrapped up in foreign policy. After all, elections have consequences. Europe is lost because they’re stupid. It’s true.
    But, there’s something much more sinister occurring here. Yes, I be speaken about Mueller and no Knock warrants. The same week the Nazi’s swarmed poor Rodger Stone and his half naked wife in the early morning, a SWAT team descended on a private residents in Houston. Full kit, auto weapons. These pussies got shot to hell trying to wage war in a residential area. We will never know if this raid was legit. Personally, I want to see somebody flank these Nazi’s

  2. Question everything, even IF this person is disabled TO begin with. Do you know this to be the case? I don’t.

    He sure does know how to get around enough to demonstrate?

    Also, people can deliver bimbs with motorized wheelchairs, just sayin’.

    What gives him any more right, being in a wheelchair (motorized ta boot) to be sprayed IF the officer thinks he is ‘over the line’. Talk about privalege…

    I HAD a disabled bro, so eff off flakes!

  3. Reminds me of numerous feminazi protestors who slap or punch a guy and don’t expect them to hit back. The wenches want equal treatment and I’m glad to see the guys who give it to them.

  4. Can we all just appreciate the dispersal rate of that pepper spray canister? Truly top shelf quality. Shows what a 75% tax rate pays for.

    Also….since when have the French ever stuck to anything for 15 weeks?

    Besides the reign of terror…

  5. “Has everyone lost their minds on this thread? He’s a Yellow vest protester in France. Get it?”

    Yep, and I support the vests if they’re not Mohamnedans or leftists. But French cops are on a hair trigger over this and Wheelie was being an ass, daring the cop to do something. No sympathy here.

  6. Can’t have a jazzy scooter in alot of nursing homes any more. Too high a risk for injury, so if this shit thought he was going to be considered harmless, 4u@& him.

  7. Jerry Manderin,
    ‘The only way to battle the left is to tap into your inner asshole.
    Wait. That didn’t come out right.’
    Very true, it did’nt.
    ‘Is to not let them tap into your inner asshole.’
    Eugenia, how about getting a pizza sometime?

  8. The cop walked away; wheelchair guy pursued the cop, striking him with the chair. The cop moved away again, but wheelchair guy again struck him. Wheelchair guy got what he begged for.

    Question: If we replace wheelchair guy with a fully capable male who continues to pursue the cop in a like manner, but instead of driving a wheelchair into him, kicks him with a shod foot each time, eliciting the same response from the cop, is the use of force justified then?

    I suggest to you that the use of force is justified in each case; being a cripple does not justify ones criminal actions. Goose, gander…

  9. If a cripple is justified in attacking with impunity someone who is stronger then, by that logic, so justified must be a female…or a weaker male…or a strong male pretending to be a female…or a 6’3 “child”…or a pack of weaker individuals…or…

    Slippery slopes exist.

  10. More fodder for the propaganda mills – on both sides.

    “Evil Cripple Attacks Cop!”
    “Evil Cop Pepper-Sprays Cripple!”

    While the basis of the confrontation goes un-inquired.
    France continues to dance around the issue: Crony (Realistic) Socialism or Idealistic (Non-Reality) Socialism?

    Which kind of Tyranny does France want?
    Which mode of Tyranny will France endure?
    France has jettisoned Monarchy.
    France has jettisoned Aristocracy.
    France has rejected democracy.
    France has made a mockery of republicanism.

    Maricon should sit down with the Yellow-Vesters and ask them which form of Tyranny will please them.

    Just as in the early days of the Russian Revolution, socialism had many faces, all of which were incompatible – Lenin, (Later NEP) Lenin, Kerensky, Trotsky.

    So France is writhing under the strain of the differing facets of socialism.
    There are NO good guys in this.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. I agree, Fur. Handicapped people are every bit as capable of being assholes as the rest of us–some even more so. I could tell you stories. Don’t pick a fight and then whine because you get slammed.


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