No comment – IOTW Report

No comment


Sent in by Jerry Manderin-

No “me love you longtime” jokes. No Trans Pacific Partnership jokes, or “20 minutes later he’s hungry again” jokes, and especially, no pink muff jokes.

Okay, go.


51 Comments on No comment

  1. Obumbles:
    “No, I don’t know where Bo is. Why do you ask?”

    Or little girl:
    “We no see your dog. Stop asking.”

    Seeing how Asians who come here assimilate and become Americans it would more likely go like this:

    “Kind sir, we have no knowledge of the canine about which you speak. Please refrain from inquiring again.”

  2. I think no comment is perfect.

    I can’t even bring myself to make funny over a child in his lap. The implications are too much. I would feel the urge to yell something like: ‘Step away from the child!’

    I just want him gone.

  3. The fact that I am creeped out by what I see, says volumes about the depravity of the man-boy who defiles the White House.

    Oh yeah, and he’s wrestling her to get back his pink muff. I will not comply with directions.

  4. “Do you know where I can get some puppy chow, made out of real puppies?”

    “Can you guys stop being the ‘good minority’ and succeeding? You’re making us look bad. You’re making it hard to call math and whitey racist. Relax, slow down try some weed.”

    “How’d you like to be the Asian Al Sharpton? You get Money, TV and radio shows (paying taxes optional).”

  5. 2015 “The President snuggles with his niece Savita Ng after his sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, and her family dropped by the Oval Office.”

    1. EW!
    2. How many brothers and sisters does this motherfucker have???

  6. “The ear muffs you received contain valuable information. It must be delivered to Dear Leader personally. Our contact will meet you on the plane to Pyongyang and give you further instructions. Go quickly!”

  7. “… just two adolescent girls trying to keep their legs crossed.”

    That’s it! Perfect! And that’s why he is the ‘leader’ of all Libbies–coz he’s 14 and they’re all whiny, crying 5 yr. olds!

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