No Dembags, Sarah Palin Never Said She Can See Russia From Her House, But Nancy Pelosi Did Say This- – IOTW Report

No Dembags, Sarah Palin Never Said She Can See Russia From Her House, But Nancy Pelosi Did Say This-

Behrain is over 100 miles away from Iran. You can’t see it. even if you were on a tower 2700 feet in height you could only see 64 miles into the horizon.

But Sarah Palin is the idiot.

21 Comments on No Dembags, Sarah Palin Never Said She Can See Russia From Her House, But Nancy Pelosi Did Say This-

  1. i’ve been there too, helped sink most of the iranian navy 18 april 88, under reagan

    i was ops officer, navigator, and tactical action officer

    only a disingenuous numbskull would claim you can see iran from bahrain, you cannot even see across the narrowest part of the gulf, the straits of hormuz

    and i am not brian williams

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