No, Drinking Visine Won’t Give You Diarrhea… It Can Kill You – IOTW Report

No, Drinking Visine Won’t Give You Diarrhea… It Can Kill You


Authorities say a South Carolina woman has been charged with murder after killing her husband by putting eye drops into his water for several days, the AP reports. York County deputies said 52-year-old Lana Clayton confessed to investigators after an autopsy uncovered a high amount of tetrahydrozoline in her husband’s body. The chemical is found in over-the-counter eye drops such as Visine. Authorities say 64-year-old Stephen Clayton was found dead July 21 in the couple’s home in Clover after apparently falling down the stairs, the Herald reports.


Yes, this guy fell down the stairs, but Visine can most definitely kill you if ingested.


The active ingredient in Visine eye drops is Tetrahydrozoline HCl 0.05%. Swallowing this substance can result in a number of nasty effects, including:


    • Lowering body temperature to dangerous levels


    • Making breathing difficult, or even halting it entirely


    • Blurring vision


    • Causing nausea and vomiting


    • Elevating and then dropping blood pressure


    • Causing seizures or tremors


  • Sending the ingester into a coma


24 Comments on No, Drinking Visine Won’t Give You Diarrhea… It Can Kill You

  1. At her trial she’ll relate to the jury tales of verbal abuse and beatings that she endured for decades. The weeping jury will find her innocent and off she goes husband hunting again.

  2. It’s rather amazing the deadly substances that can be easily purchased for just a few bucks.

    Remember the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in the UK who was poisoned with polonium-210?

    A small capsule of Polonium-210 is in a low cost product that can be purchased on Amazon. It’s enough to kill someone with if dropped into someone’s drink. But there’s a good chance you might instead poison yourself trying to open the polonium-210 capsule unless your are very careful. Polonium-210 is an alpha emitter, it quickly decays to polonium-209, an alpha and beta emitter with a half-life of 125 years.

    [Polonium has few applications, and those are related to its radioactivity: heaters in space probes, antistatic devices, and sources of neutrons and alpha particles. This radioactivity makes polonium dangerously toxic. ] It’s the antistatic property that is taken advantage of in the product on Amazon.

  3. Polonium
    “Weight for weight it is about 2.5 E+11 times as toxic as hydrocyanic acid.”
    (CRC “Handbook of Chemistry and Physics”)
    (hydrocyanic acid is a.k.a. “Prussic Acid” or, more infamously as Zyklon-B)

    Wow. Got off on a tangent, here. Sorry.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Her attorney could try the Menéndez brother’s defense strategy.
    Ladies & gentlemen the jury have mercy on this poor woman, who as a consequence of this terrible event, is now a widow & alone in the world to face its challenges.

  5. Cold blooded witch. I hope she gets the rest of her life taken away, poisoners are sneaky and manipulative creatures, who knows if she’d slip some to a grandchild or something.
    Doing it that many times makes it second nature.
    Sob story be damned.


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