No Gaffe Obama? – IOTW Report

No Gaffe Obama?

Lefties on twitter seem to think Obama was a polished gem that could do no wrong, and Trump is a serial gaffe machine.

One dope wrote this about Trump

Deon‏ @imnottayediggs

The President of the United States believes: Frederick Douglass is still alive Andrew Jackson predicted a civil war Windmills cause Cancer You need an ID to buy groceries The Continental Army captured Airports I need a POTUS who’s smarter than a brick.

I just had to write my list about Obongo: (add to the list in the comments)

Obama (pt1) -pronounced corpsmen as corpsemen over & over

-couldn’t spell Syracuse on his beloved brackets

– Cinco de quatro

– 57 states

-signed guest book 2008 instead of 2011

-thought Kentucky bordered Arkansas

– Austrian language

– said a tornado killed 10,000 (it killed 12)

-“my healthcare will bring inefficiencies”

-he saw “many fallen heroes” in his audience

-Israel is a strong friend of Israel

-he wrote thanks for your “advise” in published letter

– “The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries.”

-referred to German death camps in Poland as Polish Death Camps

-referred to female reporter as “sweetie”

– the police acted stupidly (said without the facts)


– “Jedi Mind Meld” – Hawaii in Asia – Intercontinental Railroad

-Undercut his argument for ACA by pointing out the USPS loses money

-bowl like Special Olympics

-Let me introduce you to the next president, Joe Biden (at 1st campaign rally)

-claimed he was on banking committee (he wasn’t)

-“how’s it going, Sunshine?”(in Sunrise, Fl)

Shall I go on? Surely you’re not referring to Obama when you say you need a prez smarter than a brick. Obama was an eloquent idiot, you’re just too biased to see it.

22 Comments on No Gaffe Obama?

  1. The Teleprompter pulling a Biden seems very plausible to me. The lines scroll at a fairly rapid pace and the reader is usually conscious about projecting an aura of confidence while making eye contact with the crowd. The second the airport gaffe came out of his mouth, you can bet that he was aware of it, but the lines keep scrolling so he must stay on message. It is the spontaneous gaffes like three little letters-“jobs”, these are better indicators of a bucket brain filled with buzzing flies.

  2. Obola also repeatedly referred to the Internet as the Internets.

    In addition to “57 states” and “my Moslem faith” what PROVED to me beyond a doubt that Obola was born in Kenya and raised in Kenya was this:
    Every time a fly landed on his face at an event…he never brushed it off!

    There are dozens of documentaries of SubSaharan Africans showing them with flies crawling all over their faces because they live in flyblown Third World Shitholes.
    There are so many flies that from childhood they KNOW that brushing them off is a waste of time.

    There is no effing way he’s American. If he was he’d be brushing them off or slapping at them.OBOLA IS A KENYAN

  3. My favorite: “Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma. They end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs when, if you, they just gave, you gave, treatment early, and they got some treatment, and uhhh a breathalyzer…”

    What a maroon.

  4. Wow! I never connected BHO not brushing off the flies to a third world shithole. It makes sense.Definitely a telltale sign.’

    Now, for BFH’s next masochistic adventure into Looneyland: what are Ben Shipero and Georgia Will talking about these days?

  5. That stuttering clusterschmuck couldn’t articulate Jack & Jill going up a hill, without a teleprompter and a month of practice. 🙄

    On his WORST day, Trump is 1,000x smarter, and a MILLION times clearer, than the Shitbama at his BEST.

  6. F4UCorsair JULY 6, 2019 AT 11:10 AM
    “Referred to the “Intercontinental Railroad” in a speech in Cincy.”

    …he also came to Cincinnati to pimp his stimulus because he wanted the Brent Spence bridge, on which I-75 crosses the Ohio River, in the background while he held it up as an example of what his stimulus would fix.

    …thing is, while I’m sure he preferred the Democrat mayor of Cincinnati as his side man/Mini-Me (the mayor at the time, Mark Mallory, was an effeminate communist Black man who couldn’t save the race card around enough), the thing is that the bridge belongs to KENTUCKY, and Cincinnati would have very little to do with it other than it’s approaches, so he wasn’t even in the right STATE.

    …”Obama” got his stimulus. It’s not clear where it went.

    …but it sure didn’t go to the Brent Spence. It’s worse than EVER.

  7. obola’s a cockhold…….. er, I mean cuck….. nah, never mind!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. Toasting the Queen of England during the playing of their national anthem. What a jackass.

    Saluting his Marine detail with a foam cup in his hand. Disrespecting bastard.

    Using his Marine detail to hold his umbrella. That pompous asshole.

  9. MM
    JULY 6, 2019 AT 6:40 PM
    “Using his Marine detail to hold his umbrella. That pompous asshole.”

    …using “his” Marine detail to hold an umbrella FOR A MUSLIM FUNDAMENTALIST MURDERER FRIEND OF HIS. Even WORSE.


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