No Guns for Abused Women: Do Victims Have Right to Self-Defense? – IOTW Report

No Guns for Abused Women: Do Victims Have Right to Self-Defense?

President Trump’s nominee to run the Office of Violence Against Women in the Department of Justice is unqualified, say some activists, because she advocates arming abused women for self-defense. If a woman buys a gun, they say, the abusive man is more likely to use it on her. What will really save women’s lives?

14 Comments on No Guns for Abused Women: Do Victims Have Right to Self-Defense?

  1. ‘some activists’, edit that, ‘most activists’ need a nasty ‘bitch slap’ (the older I’ve gotten, ‘bitch slap’ applies more to men than women).
    Your uneducated ‘Opinion’ is meaningless. Certain-ed it would be different than the factually documented victims of abuse. So maddening makes me despise the media.

  2. These strong, noble abused women might be shot by the men who abuse them! Shooting is wrong! Therefore women must continue to be abused for their own good!

  3. My ex BIL and I taught an abused woman to shoot a handgun.
    Her ex was an OTR trucker, cops could never catch up with him.
    We used an old door for target practice, drew an outline on it.
    “Put the first three here, here and here, the next three here.”
    .44mag, hard ball ammo.
    Replaced the already broken down 3 times flimsy interior door with one of substance.
    Took about a month, he came off the road, her troubles were over.
    Every woman I ever taught, they took to it like ducks to water.
    It’s easier to start with a fresh canvas.

  4. ” If a woman buys a gun, they say, the abusive man is more likely to use it on her.”

    I hear statements from the anti gunners all the time, but they never seem to want to give real life statistics to back it up. Real statistics, not questionable ones that have been slanted or cherry picked to support their agenda while ignoring anything that says otherwise.

  5. Funny … well, not “ha ha” funny … but even a fuckin rat will defend itself.

    Self-defense isn’t a “right” – it’s an obligation – it’s nature.

    We help preserve society by killing our attackers – the dead attacker can no longer corrupt and besmirch civilization – it can no longer prey on the weak, the innocent, the unprepared, the helpless, and the stupid.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The old ” If a woman buys a gun, they say, the abusive man is more likely to use it on her.” myth has been debunked many, many times by John Lott and others, using things like, you know, facts and statistics. But the gun grabbers keep using it, and the press keeps printing it as truth.

  7. If women doesn’t like the idea of a handgun, they can get a stun gun (taser), which are legal in most states. In much of the wimped-out Northeast, they have been made illegal.

    If not that, then at least a mace gun.

  8. I was just reading the thread on actress/dipshit Theron, whose mother killed her abusive husband.

    All people, all women, should have the right to self-defense with a firearm. With rapists pouring over the border it’s more important then ever.

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