No- John McCain is not an American hero – IOTW Report

No- John McCain is not an American hero

Trump was right.

Here’s a good round-up about how reprehensible McCain is.

Everything from how he continually snubbed the man who saved him from drowning – how his “torturous injuries” were the result of not knowing how to properly eject from a plane – how he made numerous propaganda recordings for the North Vietnamese – how he has vehemently opposed any records of his stay in the Hanoi Hilton from surfacing – the reasons why he turned down a release from the POW camp.

The man is  scumbag.



20 Comments on No- John McCain is not an American hero

  1. All this upsurfacing about John McCain and his past makes me smile in a way.

    McCain lived his whole life pretending to be something he really wasn’t, only to be exposed as the douchebag he really is right before he dies.


    There is a God.

  2. Nothing like a huge skeleton in your closet, to buy your traitorous actions.

    I wonder how many other republican representatives and senators are so firmly controlled by the leftist mafia? I can think of seven senators, right off the top of my mind,

    President Trump has it wrong; DC is not a swamp, it’s a cesspool. Time to roto-rooter the stinking mess.

    Thank God, President Trump uses Twitter to communicate with HIS constituents, directly.

  3. Many of us have been screaming about this maggot for decades. I wish there could be a coordinated publishing among all the blogs and news sites of this traitors acts. I mean to the degree it can’t be ignored by the mainstream. I want that to be what he sees in his final days, with no let up. I want his nose rubbed in it, and to know he’s leaving completely disgraced.

  4. It’s highly likely that Obuttwinkle had all congressmen survielled. Their pasts were picked apart. If there was anything to embarrass or ruin them with, it is now being used to control them.

  5. He’s a hero.
    He’s a maverick.
    He’s a heroic maverick.

    He may be a vile piece of shit, a pustule of a man, a pestilential political whore, and a confirmed turncoat, but he has more character than Obola, Pelosi, Schumer, Washerwoman-Schlutz, Reid, Ryan, and McConnell put together – course – that ain’t saying much – considering it’s all a circle of traitors.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Never forget, HE is the one who ended the official search for our MIAs.

    Benedict Arnold became a hero by winning the battle of Saratoga. McCain became a hero by writing a book.

    Arnold tried but failed to do serious harm to America. McCain successfully damaged America for decades.

    You decide who’s name should be synonymous with “traitor” in the United States.

  7. I’m certain the biggest regret in McCain’s life is not his horrendous actions in Vietnam and in the Senate to destroy this beautiful Country, but rather introducing Sarah Palin to the national stage.

  8. 💢 I guess all of you didn’t know McCain was a scumbag in 2008, and voted for him anyway? 💢

    I didn’t. I don’t reward the Republican party for putting up liberal Republicans. They didn’t learn, so they put up Romney. They didn’t learn, and they tried to get JEB!

    Nope. You put up RINOs, it’s as good as putting up nobody, b/c we don’t vote for that trash.

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