No Left Turn – IOTW Report

No Left Turn

ht/ jd hasty

28 Comments on No Left Turn

  1. See what happens when Society is cowed by these freaks from the Island of Misfit Toyz! Nobody dares to challenge them and be called (God forbid) a Homophobe!! So they just keep pushing and pushing and finding new and even crazier reasons to shove their agenda down our throats and up our collective asses!

  2. I like tings all Satin, instead of just being glossed over.
    No my ass tain’t infected & I take real pride in dat. A straight shooter in America.
    Well the debate is on, bleeping mute button, you betcha.
    Bleeped, bleeped & more bleeped.
    There needs to be an uncensored version for the adults in the room.

  3. They just need to set up a Fisting Zone so they don’t have to make all those U turns. Look what it did to Dizzy Gillespie. Just paint the curbs with rainbow colors and put up 20 Minute Porking Only signs.

  4. Have no fear!
    Thirdtwin is not a queer!
    While he may walk with a wide stance,
    There’s no one in his rear view mirror!

    (I don’t know why I thought of this. Oh yeah, you rhymed.)

  5. This is nonsensical on SO MANY levels. The one that gigs me most is that because these deviants fight toot, nail, and handbag against any sort of recovery efforts, or even SAYING anything other than “once a faggot, always a faggot”, that signage prohibiting U-turns would be something they would like, agree with, and approve of.

    They should be much more uppity about those signs trying to erase child molesters. You know them, they say PED XING.

  6. “Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.” Satan was cast out of heaven because of pride”

    The progressive/Marxist/Satanists tried to rebrand the worst of the seven deadly sins and thereby stick their collective thumb in God’s eye. That’s what Pride month has always been about. How’s that working out for them? Well, they are still miserable and lead as joyless and unfulfilling lives as ever. I wouldn’t give a shit if it were not that they have in the process increased innocent human suffering, misery and death.

  7. “Note: America is a Democratic Republic. If you want just a Republic The People’s Republic of China will take you in.”

    Note: Poor little Millennial Anonymous has never heard of the DPRK. And he thinks that the PRC will be happy to just “take you in”. I blame the fat purple-haired eDuCaToRs of OuR dEmOcRaCy for this ignorance.

  8. ThirdWin-ded out, Millennial, maybe YOU are. Here’s more like it. I’m a redneck, just a redneck & I don’t know my ass from a hole in the ground. Clue up is that way ^, down is this way 👎. Granted sum are easily confused.
    Most likely young man, I am older & much more oh so much more wiser than you.

  9. Anon 9:58
    America is (or used to be) a Constitutional Republic.

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