No Matter Alex Trebek’s Fate, The Man is an Inspiration – IOTW Report

No Matter Alex Trebek’s Fate, The Man is an Inspiration

If his bravado is an act, he’s quite an actor.

If it’s genuine, he’s a mountain of a man.

The best of luck to you, Mr. Trebek, and God bless you for being such an inspiring human being.

26 Comments on No Matter Alex Trebek’s Fate, The Man is an Inspiration

  1. He’s at Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. My friend once diagnosed was dead within 6 months. This is a difficult cancer to beat but nothing is impossible. Steve Jobs also had pancreatic cancer, had some transplants and died anyways. Tough way to go.

  2. My nephew is a former oncology nurse. He said he’d be surprised if Alex is still alive in a year. Cancer is a bitch, but pancreatic and ovarian are the worst, since they aren’t usually detected until it’s too late.

  3. Mr. Trebek is very good…I never once heard him mispronounce a word, or stutter, or hem & haw before speaking…a smart man and perfect as the jeopardy host.

    He never made any big deal about being Canadian….he just wanted to be seen as one of us.

  4. The 2 people I knew who were diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, were gone inside of a year after diagnosis.
    I wish him the best and hope he beats it. It would be nothing short of a miracle.

  5. “I’ll take ‘Wishful Thinking’ for $200, Alex.”

    (Actually, I sincerely hope he makes it. But the odds are he’ll be gone before a year has passed. Pancreatic cancer’s a killer, and Stage 4, well…)


  6. The man has a great attitude, and as far as I’m concerned, that’s half the battle. He stands a better chance at survival simply because he believes he will survive.

    May God be in your corner for this fight, Alex.

  7. Anyone here remember when Alex was involved with a burglar at his hotel room in San Francisco? There were rumors flying that the woman involved was a prostitute. There’s two talk show hosts Armstrong & Getty (talk 650), who plays excerpts from his interview after the burglary: “well, I put my underwear on and….” It’s doubtful that they’ll be making fun of him from here on out.

  8. This one must enter the Pantheon of great Muses. Kevin Spacey entered first, I think, with his frank Kitchen Talk, but Alex drilled down and made the pass well.
    There are some people who get news like this and have no one to share it with, maybe we can remember them today as well.


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