No Memes Allowed! – IOTW Report

No Memes Allowed!

13 Comments on No Memes Allowed!

  1. Europe will have show trials where the sad, tortured (white) guys will lament that they “enjoyed” memes and had bad thoughts about “diverse targeted groups” and that they spread “social dyslexia” among their comrades – before their public executions.

    The National Socialists (Nazis) really have nothing on the Inter-National Socialists (Communists) in terms of murderous capacity, brutishness, hate, terror, oppression, and potential destructiveness.

    Both systems (which are really just two sides of the same coin) are completely dependent upon a combination of propaganda and terror – an absolute silencing of any dissemination of facts, a crushing of all morality, and an atomization of society which makes every man suspicious of every other man.

    Both National Socialism and Inter-National Socialism were defeated (not really defeated: more like curtailed) by OUTSIDE forces – when we fall there will be NO outside forces – and the future of mankind becomes that which Orwell predicted: A boot stamping on a human face – forever.

    izlamo delenda est …


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