No, Men Don’t Need To Be More Like Women – IOTW Report

No, Men Don’t Need To Be More Like Women


Why does American culture constantly tell women to be more like men? The New York Times recently ran an op-ed entitled “Enough Leaning In. Let’s Tell Men to Lean Out,” opposing the assertiveness movement’s message that women should aspire to male standards. I found myself nodding along with the critique of “this fist-pumping restyling of feminism” until the author insisted that boys and men should be “trained” to be more like women.

As the mother of three daughters and one (still tiny) son, that’s most certainly not my goal. There is so much that is special about my daughters, but I have no interest in teaching my son to be an also-ran girl. I expect he’ll grow up fluent in the language of women, but I want him to excel at being himself. Based on what I’ve already seen, that self is quite different from his sisters.

So while I agree that our culture often devalues choices traditionally associated with women “from the color pink to domestic labor,” and it may be true that “girls are routinely given pep talks to be ‘anything a boy can be,’” my family doesn’t believe the former or impart the latter. I’m more likely to tell my daughters that if they work hard, they can be anything they want to be — without reference to anyone else, including boys.

I want my daughters to set their own compasses for success. They should pursue their own interests and talents, not what other people prefer. So, if STEM captures their imaginations, I’ll support that, but not because it’s trendy. If they’re more humanities-oriented like their mother, I’ll support that too. And as my children age, I’ll talk to them about the importance of finding ways to blend family and career, because I believe a full life includes more than work. read more

8 Comments on No, Men Don’t Need To Be More Like Women

  1. Hooah, as both the men and women I commanded would yell with equal passion..

    You are a grounded woman, unfortunately you are fighting the Trans movement to erase you and you daughters by allowing biological males ( which are actually just males btw) to out compete actual girls and you are up against the “boys should be girls” mindset.

    A man just lost potential custody of his son ( always, always happens) to another type of woman than you. A mother that decides her boy will be chemically castrated as a child while her husband will be forced by a judge to pay for it and honor the mothers child abuse.

    Your sons and daughters will become magnificent human beings and I applaud you for offsetting the insanity they will have to endure their entire lives.

  2. I have been a boy and a man all my 66+years. Don’t get me wrong I loved my wife, my 2 daughters and now 4 grand daughters but I am glad I’m not a woman or a fake wanna be woman. I was created as a man and I’m perfectly happy with that. The left ruins every thing it touches and I’m sick and tired of living in an upside down topsy turvy world where nothing but God makes sense anymore.

  3. Let boys be boys
    Trans people are mentally ill and the ‘treatment’ prescribed should be heavy therapy, not chemical and physical mutilation.
    People who were boys should not compete as women, and vice versa.
    Accepting freaks as normal is bad for our society


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