No Moose Run in the Future – IOTW Report

No Moose Run in the Future

This is what she says now –

Yahoo News

First lady Michelle Obama said Wednes­day she had no desire to fol­low Hillary Clin­ton and run for pres­i­dent her­self, say­ing she could have more impact out­side of Washington’s polar­ized pol­i­tics.

Obama made the remarks as she addressed the South by South­west fes­ti­val in Austin, Texas, where she intro­duced a song for char­ity to sup­port a UN-backed cam­paign to improve edu­ca­tion access for the 62 mil­lion unschooled girls around the world.

I will not run for pres­i­dent. Nope, nope, not going to do it,” she said in response to a ques­tion.

15 Comments on No Moose Run in the Future

  1. Well…………..I gotta admit she has more experience thahe gay muslim half-breed “husband” If she reall want to make an “impact” I suggest she jump offa the Washington Monument!!

  2. How cruel of her to deny us her valuable expertise in running the executive office and serving as commander in chief.
    Maybe we could talk her into being a senator or the secretary of state at least.
    After all she seems to have lost interest in tending the white house vegetable garden and forcing school children to eat meals that she would never eat herself.

  3. obviously being potus does not have any bearing on national or world affair decisions anymore. they are a front.

    if just anyone can be considered, make a run and be elected not once but twice with no real world experience at running any kind of a company or organization or of having ever accomplished anything of value to someone other than himself and then his wife could be considered as a serious replacement just because she was his wife says all I need to know about our modern political class and the real power they posses.

    some one else pulls the strings and makes the decisions, these guys are all “beards”.

  4. As a transvestite, Mooch can’t really be a beard, but he played one at the white house.
    Barry Soetoro can’t legally be president, but he played Barrack Obama in the white house.
    8 more years!

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