‘No More Golden Eggs’: Elon Musk Issues Warning To California Politicians – IOTW Report

‘No More Golden Eggs’: Elon Musk Issues Warning To California Politicians

Conservative Brief: Tesla CEO Elon Musk issued a warning to liberal politicians running California who fostered an unfriendly business environment and allowed chaos on the streets in the Golden State.

Musk took to Twitter over the weekend and wrote: “The Golden State is cooking its golden geese. Sooo tasty at first, but then no more golden eggs.”

He also shared a story from Matt Taibbi, who detailed data and reports about how Democratic rule and policies have driven California into the ground.

Musk clearly believes this given he moved Tesla out of California and to Texas. more here

11 Comments on ‘No More Golden Eggs’: Elon Musk Issues Warning To California Politicians

  1. This whole thing of ‘lawyers’ destroying this or that: lawyers are bounty hunters. The LEGISLATORS of each state and the Congress empower or limit lawyers. So don’t blame the lawyer any more than you’d blame a bounty hunter. Blame the assholes who empower them.

  2. Obama’s negative influence is still being felt in most other industries in America. Liberal thinking is generally destructive to business largely due to their lack of involvement in how most business philosophies and practice are developed in the first place. It’s as if they want to skip the hard part of learning a skill and then jump first right to the rewards that naturally comes afterwards.

  3. Obama weaponized the entire govt. Using departments to bully companies. CA was the logical state to start in.
    There will probably be more damage showing up in the coming years.
    He still has 2 1/2 yrs to do more damage with his puppet pres.

  4. Warning:

    Toronto used to be a very Uptight & Conservative city. (obviously many decades ago)

    Then the government moved in its Social Services in order to help the working Class. With that, it slowly became more & more liberal/socialist.

    That will happen to Texas. Check out Austin.

    Edmonton Alberta is now very Liberal/socialist.
    Calgary Alberta Elected a VERY LEFTIST MAYOR.

  5. Obama mama appreciates livin rent free in your brain all these years! Please, keep his legacy alive, he was Michigan’s Man of the Year 3 times & Nobel Peace Prize winner. Oh yeah still running things, with Hillary & Bill as his top advisors. You betcha.

  6. @Anonymous May 17, 2022 at 12:52 am

    > So don’t blame the lawyer any more than you’d blame a bounty hunter. Blame the assholes who empower them.

    Yeah. When the Russians, Russians, Russians! are rolling down the street. Don’t blame the riflemen. You just spread those cheeks. And think of England. It’s the tankers’ fault. Throw money at them!

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