No. One. Asked. You. – IOTW Report

No. One. Asked. You.


Ann Romney: Mitt Romney would have accepted secretary of state job.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney would have accepted the secretary of state job if President Trump had offered it to him instead of Rex Tillerson, Ann Romney said Monday.

Speaking on NBC’s “Today” show, Ann Romney said her husband was honored to be in the running for the nation’s top diplomatic role and he felt he was very close to taking the job.

“I thought Mitt would have been terrific and we were very seriously considering it,” she said. “I think he was very seriously being considered.”

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30 Comments on No. One. Asked. You.

  1. Aside: 20+ years ago my neighbor and good friend two doors down had one of those GO AWAY door mats. If any unknowns or unwanteds showed up, he’d not say a word and just point to the mat. When somebody didn’t go away, my friend would reach for a sign on a stick he’d made for such occasions:

  2. I don’t understand how you can strongly consider a position you have not been offered. If that is the case, I am now strongly considering becoming the Cleveland Browns starting quarterback. I believe they are looking, and I hear those guys make a lot of money!

  3. 1. I saw nothing in Mitt’s background to lead me to believe he would be a good steward of US Foreign Policy as a Sec State. 2. After the stench of Dowager Empress Clinton and then Kerry as SecState, Mitt is NOT the guy to clean up the Aegean Stables at the State Dept.

  4. I encountered one of those door mats years ago when door knocking for Bob McDonnell for Virginia governor. I thought it was a joke.

    It wasn’t.

    Somebody is now marketing a doormat that says ‘Come back with a Warrant’. I wouldn’t even mess with this person.

  5. As for mitt. Dude, you’re a jug of milk whose expiration date is…..yikes.

    I stayed in Massachusetts one extra day to vote for you for senator against ted Kennedy. You lost. I voted for you against Barack the monster. You lost.
    It’s over bitch.

  6. Then maybe Mitt shoulda kept his big fat #nevertrump mouth shut during the campaign and after the primary and played the long game. He and Joe Biden can continue to believe if only they’d run in 2016 they’d be POTUS.

  7. In fairness to Romney I’m pretty sure he threw his coffee cup at the wall when the wifey shot her mouth off on national TV. I’ll bet the Romney household wasn’t echoing to the sound of music today.

  8. Come to think of it, if President Trump had offered me “Secretary of the Department of Redundancy Department” I’da accepted.
    So … I’m right there with ya, Mittens!

    Sheesh …

    izlamo delenda est …

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