No One Is Willing To Govern Puerto Rico – IOTW Report

No One Is Willing To Govern Puerto Rico

With the announced resignation of Puerto Rico’s embattled governor Ricardo Rosselló last week, a number of other government officials have also announced their intentions to leave office, making Justice Secretary Wanda Vázquez the next in line to head up the island’s administration.

Vázquez has stated unequivocally that she doesn’t want the job. More

16 Comments on No One Is Willing To Govern Puerto Rico

  1. Not one fuckin’ iron clad thief wants to step up? I’m disappointed in these people. Millions for the plucking for the right political grifter and no applicants?

    Shit fire, I might have to check ticket prices to the Island.

    Friends of mine have lobbied for me to take over some small place as a benevolent dictator, said they’d move there.

    This may be my chance.

  2. FTA: Rosselló on Wednesday announced that he would step down following nearly two weeks of massive protests amid anger over the chat, corruption charges against several former government officials and a 13-year recession. In the chat, the 40-year-old Democrat and son of a governor called a female politician a “whore,” referred to another as a “daughter of a bitch,” and made fun of an obese man with whom he posed in a photo.

    As we’ve all said many times, there are no more homophobic, misogynistic, racist people on earth than Democrats.

  3. Watch out for your not so deep pockets and wallets, the next proposed bail out will be PR.

    The US middle class is the source for tax revenues. Always was always will be.

  4. Sell Puerto Rico to Mexico, use the revenue to build the wall. Better yet, President Trump should sell it to Russia, just to see more progressives heads explode.

  5. PR wouldn’t want me as governor.
    First thing I’d do is to fire everybody and shut everything down. No one and none of it works anyway, why continue to throw money at it? Falls under the clinical definition of insanity, repeating the same thing, and expecting different results.
    Repeal 90% of the laws. Who follows them? Then why have them?
    Shut it all down, and open under competitive capitalist management.
    Oh, and no welfare.


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