@PHenry — There is no “bright line” that distinguishes mustache from nose hair. Ya gotta draw that line yourself! 6
I remember using my silly putty to lift off an image and stretch out his nose. Course I did that with all the characters. 4
I haven’t seen that character since my childhood watching TV cartoons after school.
Is that a mustache or nose hair gone wild?
From 1958…
To the Wayback Machine
@PHenry — There is no “bright line” that distinguishes mustache from nose hair. Ya gotta draw that line yourself!
You’ve got that right, buddy.
used to see them in the newspaper comics, but never saw the cartoons!
My Grandma’s favorite comic strip. She passed away in ’82.
Now I feel old.
Al Brodax brought us Beatles Yellow Submarine cartoon.
I remember using my silly putty to lift off an image and stretch out his nose. Course I did that with all the characters.