No Sure We Can Verify the Translation, But I Wanna Believe – IOTW Report

No Sure We Can Verify the Translation, But I Wanna Believe

Knuckledraggin has a short video of a little mishap which is worth a look.

ht/ abigail adams

11 Comments on No Sure We Can Verify the Translation, But I Wanna Believe

  1. Gee Wally, no doubt whoever drew those cartoons on the front of the podium is responsible and will never work again!

    Yeah Beave, and chuck-up a Q-Tip in the Dremel tool for that Rag-Head trying to chase a mouse out of his ear at the beginning!

  2. Purely chance. You take 50 million Imams who preach hate five times a day for ten centuries and eventually one is going to be doing just that when the stage collapses.

    Besides, I’m not sure God would bother striking down those who have willingly given up their humanity when God knows they are just as likely to blow each other up in wars and terror strikes against each other.

  3. True story: had words(online)with a guy who INSISTED Mohammed walked the earth long before Jesus….so, so hard to even try to convert that mindset.


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