No Voter Fraud??? – IOTW Report

No Voter Fraud???


Judicial Watch lays out the specifics: “[T]here were more total registered voters than there were adults over the age of 18 living in each of the following eleven (11) counties: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).” The letter notes that the percentage in L.A. Country may be as high as 144%.

The letter contains a threat to sue the Secretary of State if Padilla does not remove from the rolls “persons who have become ineligible to vote by reason of death, change in residence, or a disqualifying criminal conviction, and to remove noncitizens who have registered to vote unlawfully.” It gives Padilla 14 days to respond, and 90 days to correct alleged violations of the law.

Padilla has been one of the main voices in opposition to President Donald Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, refusing to share voter data with it on the argument that doing so would “legitimize false claims of massive election cheating last fall.”

22 Comments on No Voter Fraud???

  1. I read this this morning. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around what recourse we have. If any. Or if we even matter. Seems to me the Feds should step in. Oh wait, that would be the fucking retard Sessions. I guess we are screwed.

  2. One need look no further than states Hillary carried to find the most agregious voter fraud. Look at San Diego’s persentage, then listen to them telling us that illegals have nothing to do with it. Folks, we’re in some very deep trouble as the people here know to well.

  3. Theyv’e Probably Been Using San Diego For a Long Time, We’re Quite for Our Size and Don’t Draw 10% Of the Attention L.A Gets. This Would Explain Why I’m Always Saying San Diego is Pretty Normal and Conservative, and Others Say Look at The Numbers… Well The Numbers were so Skewed By Catholic Mexicans, that it Looked Out of Control – And the Illegals Are !!!

  4. What a sad commentary on how legitimate some state governments and their input into our federation is. Some thought needs to go into re-creating equality: say that 1.25 Californicators now equal 1 citizen for statistical purposes or some such.

  5. Can’t they just disqualify the entire State if they won’t abide by the Laws to protect Voter integrity?
    How is this fair to other States? CA gets Federal funding based on population…. and they’re rigging the system. If I were the other States, I’d sue CA for gaming the federal funding system.

  6. Luckily the readers/scanners and election computer programs in each state are as safe, reliable and secure as our National Security Files, Congressional computer network, DNC and DWS’s laptop.

    There has never been complete election integrity, but it is worse now than ever before.

    “You know, comrades,” says Stalin, “that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

  7. Jeez you red staters are so dumb. Progressive states are fully aware of the fact that undocumented dementiacrats from 3rd world nation grow up at a much faster pace than stupid ‘merican voters. That is why they are allowed to register at the age 7.Nothing to see here.

  8. Judicial Watch, a brave and fearless little nonprofit, all alone, gallantly doing the work that Jeff Sessions ‘ DoJ flatly refuses to do.

    Trump should send Judicial Watch a YUGE grant. They are truly fighting for America.

  9. It’s not the number of voters registered. Most counties do a lousy job of keeping records current. They’re not showing “voting” records, because more votes cast than eligible voters mean someone goes to jail.

  10. A former MI5 guy, put the total of illegal voters as 1.5 mil in 2008 in Calif. Thanks to motor voter and illegal immigration, the number is north of 4 million now.

  11. @Bad_Brad August 6, 2017 at 1:52 am

    Now, Brad, don’t be so bad. He’s “special.” “Special Sessions.” Not, the R-word (any R-word, they’re all special… allegedly).

  12. LA county alone, 4 million people. Roughly 76% are voting age, or about 3 million people, but as many as 44% more registered voters than eligible, or 1,300,000 ineligible people voted. In one county, in one state. DJT estimated up to 3 million illegal votes cast. You bet your ass he underestimated the numbers.

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