No Words – IOTW Report

No Words

52 Comments on No Words

  1. As Ann Landers observed way back in the 1960s…the best birth control pill is an aspirin tablet held firmly between the knees.
    Just because it’s an old remedy doesn’t mean it didn’t or doesn’t work.

  2. Dear Queen? Viv. If you’re having sex with so many different men that you can’t keep up with who knocked you up, that pretty much makes you a “HO” in most people’s minds.

  3. I was at a grocery store and a black woman and her black girl friend had two kids in the cart. The woman say’s “my baby-daddy’s best friend died…”

    I was amazed that blacks actually talk this way!

    “Baby-daddy” is such a demeaning, weak minded thing to say about you, the father & the child.

    Sorry black folk, but until you get your shit together don’t be looking at white people to blame for your own fucked up lives.

  4. If I get married to a woman that already has a child, sure I’ll take responsibility since marriage is a lot to go thru and women deserve better. I get that.

    While you’re in the kitchen making me a sammich I’ll make sure your lil’Tyrone doesn’t put his finger in the electrical socket.

  5. Fuck you whore. Let me tell you about two inventions you may find useful:

    1. Cheap and easily available birth control.

    2. Having the self-discipline not to fuck a bunch of dudes without protection.

    3. Keeping your goddamn legs closed. A blow job or hand job never got anyone pregnant, you ignorant slut.

  6. “Women go through alot in Marriages and women deserve better.”

    Some women go through a lot of sexual partners in marriage and their husbands deserve better.

    FIFY, honey snatch.

  7. “Women go through a lot in marriages and women deserve better.”

    Here’s the deal. Don’t get married, don’t spread your legs outside of marriage, and if you deserve better, then choose better. I’ve got zilch sympathy for you and your bastard kid. That’s about as kind as I can put it.

  8. So by this same logic, all the people fainting over the Kardashian husband who has a new baby by a woman not his wife, so long as he supports the baby, big deal.

  9. Agreed, Racist White Woman. I might add the root of the problem is fatherless homes. An epidemic in black American broken families.

    One of the responsibilities of good father is to teach daughters to respect themselves and have good judgment – especially when choosing a man for marriage. The only union recognized by God.

    Most black American men have abandoned their role as fathers and the families they create. They are producing bastards with women who are just as morally bankrupt.

    Aa a result, these black women, self-title themselves as, “Queen” to compensate for their poor decisions and standards.

    The left are always victims – reflected in that idiotic leftard statement from “Queen” Vivian. Again, irony is lost on the left.

  10. about 15 yrs ago, some broad with whom I’d had One-Night Meaningful Relationships a few times tried to stick me with a paternity suit. The craven skank didnt know I’d gotten snipped a year before and jogged home from the procedure! A lawyer buddy gleefully took my case pro bono and had a huge shit-eating grin on his face when he showed the skank and her shyster my doctor’s papers certifying I’d been neutered at the SPCA for $75 bucks when they were having a weekend special. AND I also had the test results for sperm counts at 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 180 days. NADA. ZIP.

    Then we started discussing a counter-suit for fraud and they couldn’t get outta there fast enough.

    Oh yeah, the day I got back to work after the surgery my co-workers had a goddam plastic cone waiting for me at my desk. REAL Funny, guys!

  11. Hey Queen, half of your Kang baby daddies hit the road when they know the kid is theirs. Now you want these same Kangs to take care of kidz they didn’t even make?

    Gurl, you so stoopid you bought tickets to X-box live…

  12. Forget her second paragraph. Irrelevant.

    As for the first paragraph, unfortunately, this is exactly the way the courts work in America.

    If you are married to a woman that gets pregnant by someone else, the baby is your financial responsibility.

    Fact check true.

    Personal life story to back it up.

  13. You can safely bet she never had children of her own, and is an abortion supporter.
    But you have to take her “expert” advice on things she never had an experience in.

  14. California, a few years ago. Woman claims a particular man is the baby daddy to the state, usually when climbing on the welfare train. State notifies man by letter at last known address, or if no known address, no notification. After one year, if the man has not disproved paternity to the state, the man becomes financially responsible for the child permanently. It’s probably best to utilize the rental market when seeking female companionship.

  15. We used to burn witches at the stake. Because evil. Burners evil. Oh, and patriarchy. And racist. And let’s not forget homophobic. (Sorry, @The Old Tan Track Is Baby Free).

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