No, You Do Not Understand English – IOTW Report

No, You Do Not Understand English

Bill Hader has a great routine about watching movies made in England.

Here is a video that will test your skills for hearing English dialects-

15 Comments on No, You Do Not Understand English

  1. Hell! Sometimes i have to ask my friends to repeat themselves or spell the word since I moved to SC….
    So no, I guess I do not understand English!

  2. Why can I understand nearly every one of these accents better than the dialect of your average inner city resident here in the States?

    For goodness’ sake, the average Nigerian immigrant has a wonderful accent, and speaks perfect, grammatically correct English.

  3. 45 years ago I was on a US military base overseas. A guy came up to me and said

    “av you seen a loondret, mite?”
    when I ignored him, he repeated it
    I said “American. Speak English”
    He said “I am fooking English, esshole. Have you seen a launderette? a place you wash your fooking clothes?”

    as the saying goes, two countries separated by a common language

  4. I watch British murder mysteries and movies and turn the volume up.
    They mumble on top of having heavy accents at times.
    The worst to understand was the movie Snatch.

  5. “Aya see m’dug?”
    “M’dug … y’no … bow-wow … m’dug!”

    And that was in Southern Maryland (St. Mary’s County).

    Now with the overwhelming tinnitus, I can’t understand shit.
    Most people think I’m a fucking retard because I just smile and nod.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I go to visit relatives in Kentucky occasionally and people ask me where I’m from because of my accent.
    I tell them I’m from Michigan and we don’t have accents, but everyone down here does.

  7. From new Jerrrsey where we pronounce our R’s to Massachusetts where an R is dropped following a vowel.
    Do you want that on a Hod roll?
    Excuse me?
    A HOD ROLL?!
    A hod roll?
    YES, A HOD ROLL!!!
    Ohhh, A hard roll!!!

  8. The third video was interesting, but one correction. When talking about Jamaica, he mistakenly said the English β€œcaptured slaves in Africa.” The English didn’t capture slaves, they bought them at slave markets run by Arabs and other Africans.

  9. When I was in Basic Training there was a black guy from the backwoods of S Carolina that needed the other blacks to interpret what he was saying. He was a good guy but he sounded like he a mouth full of marbles.

  10. The only one I got right was (#4? #5?) the Appalachian/Smoky Mountains accent. (I grew up in N Virginia)
    When I was a teen in the 60s, we moved from Virginia to Bawstan, Massachusetts. OY! What a change! It took about 2-3 years until I developed an “ear” for the change in accent from genteel Southern to New England.
    Face to face, I was ok. Speaking over the phone…..oh HELL no. Boston natives must have thought that they were speaking to an idiot, I asked them to repeat themselves so many times.

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