No you idiot! I can’t swim because I have an open wound that can get infected! – IOTW Report

No you idiot! I can’t swim because I have an open wound that can get infected!

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Petrus sent this clip. My snarky title aside, I think John Wayne would be brought up on child endangerment charges in 2016.

26 Comments on No you idiot! I can’t swim because I have an open wound that can get infected!

  1. Lol. Gramps caught me digging in the old man’s liquor cabinet while he was away with mom in Jamaica. I was 9 or 10 at the time and I was more fcuking shit up than drinking. Well gramps gave me a taste of everything in there, first time I was ever drunk. Never did touch the liquor cabinet again until I acquired it about 15 years ago.

  2. There’s a great old western with Spencer Tracy leading a band of men across country. At one point some women and an indian boy start tagging along. Tracy let’s them stay but they have to help out. He tells the indian kid, “You, c’mere, from now on your name is Billy!”

  3. Of that generation, this Nation has lost some of the finest patriots, hard workers and teachers of proven life principles that we’ve ever been graced with.
    God Bless them, each and every one.

  4. Really can’t find the humor in this.

    I’ve had three near-death experiences in my life: Almost drowned and had to be rescued in swimming lessons when I was 7. Almost drowned and had to be rescued during high school swim class when I was 14. Swan dive down the stairs in 2001.

    All three instances involve water or diving.

    Ain’t nobody gonna throw me in any water — any time, any where!

  5. No offense, but I don’t know if a head first plunge down the stairs technically qualifies as diving.
    If it’s any consolation, one of my earliest memories is trying to “walk down the stairs like a bear” headfirst on all fours. Went flying down and banged my head on something at the bottom. Probably explains a lot!

  6. Thanks to retro television networks – MeTV, gettv, Antenna TV, GRIT and Heroes & Icons, etc. Millennial and younger generations are finding out what integrity and honor are all about. Most of these kids have adults in there lives who are very confused about their roles and responsibilities. John Wayne’s wonderful no nonsense style is catching their attention.Trump seems to have taken the mantle and is filling the void. BTW, I love John Wayne movies. The “Hondo” clip was hilarious!

  7. Ha! Love the bear story — explains a lot. 🙂

    “Swan dive” was the term the paramedics gave my husband (while I was unconscious) as it was estimated that I went through the air 8-10 feet before crashing my head and face into the hardwood floor.

    And that explains a lot about me. 🙂

  8. I chuckled when you listed all those networks that are free when your using an antenna. Some are on cable but not all.
    I love MeTv and Grit. Those old cowboy movies are great!
    My Dad always called John Wayne a big Sis because of the way he walked. But I really think he didn’t like the idea that my Mom thought he was hot!

  9. I learned to swim when we lived in Huntsville, Alabama. I wasn’t in first grade yet. I remember having to walk barefoot over a rock path to get from the car to the pool and back again. I have no idea why I wasn’t allowed to wear my sneakers and my parents never bought us flip-flops. Guess they thought our shoes would get stolen. But I learned to swim. Being in the water is wonderful.

    Besides, being at the beach or a pool, I met a LOT of hot girls with rockin’ bods when I was younger. So learning to swim has its benefits.

  10. “Hey dad, how come all us Indian kids have weird names like, Running Bull and Barking Dog?” ”Well son, it’s like this. Indian names come from the first thought that goes thru your mom’s head after conception. Why do you ask Broken Rubber?”

  11. jclady – I also nearly drowned as a young teen. We were running ahead & Mom told us not to go in the lake until the adults got there, but we didn’t wait. All the kids had rafts or the big inner tubes and I eagerly followed along. Once they started sliding off into the water I did as well. On my last gasp for air and slowly sinking I opened my eyes and saw the sunlight coming through the murky water, I swear to this day that I heard pipe organs playing. Then suddenly I was pulled up and to the shore, a passing teen had seen and understood my thrashing wasn’t playing. It was one of those miracle saves, they’re second or third dive and only one finger just “happened” to catch the belt loop of my cut-offs. Very soon after that I was enrolled in formal swimming lessons at the local pool.

    Anyway, having said all that and relived my near-death all over again, I think this clip is awesome and love how she runs at the end knowing that he is likely to toss her in as well.

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