No, YOU Shut Up! – IOTW Report

No, YOU Shut Up!

Is it me or do the Democrats show themselves for who they are more and more everyday? They use our identity to divide and conquer. Here’s the Simple Truth.

11 Comments on No, YOU Shut Up!

  1. If we ever returned to requiring literacy tests the democrat party would cease to be.
    Responding to emotionally charged dog whistles by voting may be gratifying to the simple minded but it’s irresponsible and reckless.

  2. Nice! But: it’s LOOOOOOOONG past time for such calm, reasoned argumentation.

    More effective these days are:
    1) hit back (verbally, in this case) twice as hard
    2) ridicule relentlessly

  3. Their strategic aims are the same: the spread of nihilism and the destruction of Western Civilization.

    Their tactics have changed. They tried lies and dissimulation, mendacity and prevarication, legerdemain and prestidigitation and were exposed by President Trump, who made them look foolish and desperate (much to the chagrin of the establishment GOP).

    So they’ve taken to the “full frontal assault.” As Patton said: “Grab em by the nose and kick em in the ass!” In other words, tie down the front and flank em. They attempt to bully and bluster while the “dark money” corrupts the process behind the scenes. They are quite aware that they cannot win through an open, honest, “fair” election of competing ideas – and thus, muddy and confuse all the subordinate positions with shiny glitter and kaleidoscopic colored lights while controlling the narrative through their media flunkies, ass-suckers, and toadies.

    They will NEVER state their positions outright and unequivocally – that is certain defeat – and they know that.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Here in La Marque,TX People hear the
    word “Beto” and that is all the information
    they need to vote… That is the result of social engineering & TV mind control.

  5. MJA – I am friends with the two guys who make these videos, Dave and Jason. Unbelievably, we live in Los Angeles and are still alive. You can check out their YT channel called “Blue Collar Logic” for more like these. They have quite a big following now, which is encouraging. Thanks for posting this MJA.


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