Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Aung San Suu Kyi Defends Genocide – IOTW Report

Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Aung San Suu Kyi Defends Genocide

Philadelphia Enquirer

After listening to accusations of atrocities that took place in her country, Myanmar’s civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Wednesday categorically rejected charges of genocide against the Rohingya Muslim minority, maintaining her government’s long-standing denial of culpability.

The former democracy icon instead pointed to the role of Muslim militants — she did not utter the word “Rohingya” — in sparking the crisis and said the conflict was a domestic matter for her country to resolve.

Myanmar is “dealing with an internal armed conflict, started by coordinated and comprehensive attacks” by militants, she told the International Court of Justice. “If war crimes have been committed by members of Myanmar’s defense services, they will be prosecuted through our military justice system, in accordance with Myanmar’s constitution.” More

More on the rise to Nobel fame and disgrace of Myanmar’s undeclared leader Here

19 Comments on Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Aung San Suu Kyi Defends Genocide

  1. I don’t pretend to know what is going on in Myanmar, but if defending your country against muslims is considered genocide, there will be a whole lot of countries guilty of genocide in the near future, or those countries will cease to exist.

  2. “The former democracy icon instead pointed to the role of Muslim militants — she did not utter the word “Rohingya”….”

    Good on her. She should know exactly what to call the murderous malcontents in her country, certainly better than some Globalist jagoff journo sipping tea in London. “Rohingya” is probably some cute label created by BBC reporters to avoid saying “muslim militants”. I’m sick of these leftist pricks changing the name of everything and everyplace every ten years.

  3. as Orwell said, “War is Peace”

    … maybe we can give some posthumous ‘Peace Prizes’ to those great ‘Peacemakers’ of yesteryear … Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Genghis Kahn, Sultan Mehmed II, Vlad Tepes, Tomas de Torquemada, on & on …

    remember, Barky Obama bombed more countries than any other president, except FDR in WWII

  4. Sounds to me as if she knows a thing or two about what happens when the muzzrat population reaches a certain percentage of the population and doesn’t want that to happen to her country.

  5. That rule against becoming president if you have a foreign national spouse or children – that’s complete BS they cooked up to keep Aung San Suu Kyi from becoming president when over 15 years of house arrest, selling furniture to support herself and fighting to get medical treatment wasn’t enough to persuade her to back down.

    She has to maintain a fairly horrible balancing act and I wouldn’t be surprised if the military has a hand in this in an attempt to bring her down, knowing well about the idiots who currently run the West.

  6. Burma is traditionally Buddhist.
    Buddhism is not dhimmi.
    Under Islam, Buddhist must either convert or die.
    Buddhists are killing Muslims pre-emptively.

    And when the hell did Burma become Myanmar?
    …Siam become Thailand?
    …Ceylon become Sri Lanka?
    …Bombay become Mumbai?
    …Peking become Beijing?

  7. The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke. They gave it to General Yassir Arafat for creating the PLO, Al Gore for a debunked movie, and 0’Bama for absolutely nothing. They REFUSED to give it to Ronald Reagan when he ENDED THE COLD WAR and stopped the threat of nuclear annihilation.

  8. One of my friends is a legal immigrant from BURMA. He said killing and driving out the Mohammedans from his country is a good thing. “Disgusting filthy people, they aren’t from BURMA anyway. They are from East Pakistan! They should go back to their shithole from whence they came.”


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