Nobody In The Biden Admin Wants To Explain How 1,100 More US Troops Appeared In Syria — Or If The President Knew – IOTW Report

Nobody In The Biden Admin Wants To Explain How 1,100 More US Troops Appeared In Syria — Or If The President Knew

Daily Caller

Neither the White House nor the Pentagon seem to know how the official count for the number of U.S. troops in Syria has more than doubled.

White House Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to explain Friday how there could be an 1,100 troop discrepancy in reported U.S. forces in Syria, instead pointing to the Pentagon. Similarly, Pentagon press secretary Pat Ryder said Thursday at a press conference he couldn’t speak for the Oval Office on whether or not they were aware of the true number of troops in the nation. see more

24 Comments on Nobody In The Biden Admin Wants To Explain How 1,100 More US Troops Appeared In Syria — Or If The President Knew

  1. This is a huge deal and I’ve been following this since it broke. WHO authorized this? Because it sure as hell wasn’t brain dead Biden. We need to know the answer to that question. What non elected official is currently in control of our military? This is scary ass shit. And oh yea, exactly whom has the nuclear football? I think we deserve to know. Lot’s of prosecutions coming up. We need more popcorn. But make no mistake, this is some serious shit.

  2. @Brad — I suppose it could be that Joey did in fact authorize the 2,000 but forgot. But I don’t think so.

    As for the nuke stuff, staff probably left it in Delaware because Joey spends more time there and they got tired of schlepping it back and forth all the time what with the paperwork and all. And Hunter likely carries his dad’s nuclear code card because it has a nice hard edge good for scraping up lines of coke.

    You’re right, though. This is serious shit. Scary.

  3. Biden had had a small inner circle since he was grifting in the Senate.They’ve been making all the decisions. All he does is sign whatever they put in front of him. He has no clue what’s going on.

  4. “Biden had had a small inner circle since he was grifting in the Senate.They’ve been making all the decisions.”
    Absolutely NOT. These are Junior staffer with his auto pen that nobody voted for. World peace now depends on a handful of 24 year olds with a perceived ax to grind. We’ve never been at more risk for thermal nuclear war. These little kids need to be identified and taken out with prejudice. They’re literally to dumb to live. Tell me I’m wrong and again, who currently has the nuclear football?

  5. My nephew is one of the Junior Navy officers on the USS Gettysburg. I don’t know what’s going to happen about this incident, but I know that the Navy will find out what happened quickly and there will be hell to pay if it wasn’t an accidental mistake. I’ve been praying for him and the USS Gettysburg as well as the Harry S Truman since they left Norfolk on deployment just after Thanksgiving.

  6. A nuther Jackass Joe administration fuck up?
    Could be.
    Frankly I smell some stinky mandarin frish here. The Chinese don’t want Trump to get in their way and are pulling all the chinanagans they can to disrupt things.
    Like, Ok, maybe the drones are ours… but who is running them?
    How much of our stuff have they go their fingers in?
    Exactly how much can they influence our operations?
    The answer to that is probably very scary!

  7. posted previously:

    By the nature of Biden’s lack of mental acuity, Biden abdicated his Oath, Responsibilities and Duties of the Office of President, leader of our Nation’s Military.

    Those who fulfilled Biden’s Presidential Oath, Responsibilities and Duties have exceeded their authority, all Executive orders, Regulations, Federal disbursements or other actions performed without Biden’s presidential knowledge or authority must be deemed null and void.

  8. The Romans ruined their empire partly by overreaching. It had a big enough empire during the Augustus’s reign. If it had stuck with what it had in 1 AD, it may have had a chance to survive to modern times. In 9 AD three of its legions got massacred in northern Germany. The word got out that Rome was not invincable. After that it was only a matter of time before it fell, although it took a few centuries, whimpering out in Byzantium in the 12th century or so.

    Is there a lesson there for us? Probably. Get lazy and fat and party all the time and you’ll eventually lose everything.


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