Is this what’s up the president’s sleeve?
ht/ mickey moussaoui
Is this what’s up the president’s sleeve?
ht/ mickey moussaoui
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We have all heard the term October Surprise?
What I think is ‘up the Presidents sleeve’… is a Christmas Eve Surprise…
Like GW at Trenton…not sure if it is INDEED that EO that will THE means, but I agree, he put that Order in affect for a reason.
And for all the naysayers, THIS(!) is what the POTUS did, and was doing other things, in preparation for the Election Fraud of 2020.
The information was interesting but I could live with never listening to the guy delivering it ever again.
Never heard of the clown, why should I waste my time listening to Butt Bare’s spawn?
I gave up at 3 mins. Taking too long to get to the point
@ Karasioux DECEMBER 19, 2020 AT 2:23 PM
No shit!!!! And !
POTUS should offer Biden a blanket pardon if he concedes by 12/23/2020. If he refuses all bets off.
Video won’t play for me. Is he talking about the EO covering foreign interference?
Well I continue to find myself in a like-minded group.
There is a lot of misinformation on the web saying that EO13848 expired yesterday but it actually extends until January 20. Ham-handed explanation by this guy but he is correct.
Ghost, I’ve also had a hunch about a Christmas Eve surprise … especially after this:
Thanks Fur! This was encouraging. Things move slow because Trump allies are running thin. I am going to keep the faith, keep praying and fasting, and keep my powder dry!
i swear that guy was a tv preacher. Same cadence, same okie type accent, same delivery.
All he left out was the altar call.
but, encouraging words anyway. People have been discussing this topic since the election. Plenty of wheat at the sight, some chaff.
Guys- This isn’t news if you read the order. It remains to be seen if anyone has the guts to enforce it. More Gen. Flynns.
I have seen a few suggestions that we simply won’t know… until it’s done. Which January 6 would be the last possible day. Hope to hear good news before then.
Can someone give us synopsis of what snoozie McGee was taking forever to get to the point about?
January 6 is only chiseled in stone in the sense that it is a date–but if SCOTUS determines that there has to be a stay of the electoral tally because to proceed would result in an unconstitutional action taking place (the “installation” of an illegally elected President), who is Congress going to complain to? What police force does Congress have at its disposal to enforce its unlawful will? SCOTUS is a co-equal branch of government merely doing its job to enforce the Constitution–and Congress’ job is to protect and defend that document–as it is also for Trump.
5D chess my friends.
OMG – almost 5 minutes of bloviating. That doesn’t mean I disagree, but if you want to grab people, lead with the details.
I can’t take even one minute of this guy speaking. He took the wrong career path.
I’d rather sick michelle obamas dick than suffer through another video by that giy. Anyone know his.point?
So the EO extends to January 20th, so what?
As nearly as I can tell, this order only imposes financial sanctions on foreign nationals found to have attempted interference in American elections after specifically appointed federal officers have conducted an inquiry concerning any such interferences and sets the final date for the conclusion of such an inquiry. I don’t see anything here that would overturn the result of the last presidential election.
This guy is a nut. I listened to the whole thing and had no clue what he was talking about.
Hint for other long videos (or slow talkers): click on the cog and speed up the video. I watch/listen to a lot of videos at 1.25 or 1.5X speed.
What govlawyer said.
who is Congress going to complain to?
They’ll just do what they want, as usual.
Principal Poop December 19, 2020 at 4:41 pm
I can’t take even one minute of this guy speaking. He took the wrong career path.
He said he’s a professor–kinda like Jill Biden being a real doctor. Far too many people throwing around who and what they are which amounts to being a nobody. Anyone who has to keep saying what they are to get you to listen to them, makes me close my mind to them. I was waiting for a punch line that never happened.
Not for folks with short attention spans
SCOTUS, or John roberts isn’t interested and the Joint
ChiefsChickens have clearly stated that they’re not getting involved in any electorate matters. This guy needs to pass the hat for a donation and take down the tent, his revival show is over.The guy was irritating and had a creepy Jim Jones vibe. He eventually got to the point. Took a lot of effort to keep listening.
Our Founding Fathers were brilliant. President Trump is very wise to follow their lead.
The letter he presents, supposedly from the WH has no heading or seal of the President of the United States.
I may watch the rest of it later, but I am suspicious.