Noino On – IOTW Report

Noino On




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17 Comments on Noino On

  1. The more onions the better. My late wife was deathly allergic to onions, she always had to ask that anything prepared for her had no onions in it and I could never cook with onions except separately for myself and my kids. It was not fun when someone usually at a restaurant forgot and she got sicker than a dog which happened more than once. Corky; I am sorry also to hear that Herman Cain has died, damn the wu flu.

  2. re Herman Cain….it’s Trump’s fault. From The Hill:

    Cain was diagnosed with COVID-19 last month and admitted to the hospital on July 1, 10 days after he attended President Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Okla.

  3. “Would you like the cancer?”….”What!?”…..”The cancer….would you like the cancer?”……”Would I like the can-?”…”No, the soda can, would you like to keep it?” Flight attendant to George Clooney in “Up in the Air”

  4. Down by Seattle Pacific University, on Nickerson, there is a deli/lunch place named “Saul’s ______”. I don’t know the rest of the name because the sign-maker got a little too fancy with the writing so no matter how close you get to the sign, it still looks like “Slut’s _____”.

  5. MJA, my nephew came to visit us in GA from California many years ago, and asked to go to his favorite burger place, Carl’s Jr. He was sad to find out there were none here, because they were all over LA. I was curious, so I googled it.

    Sure enough, there was the same logo for Hardee’s, which is what Carl’s Jr. is called in GA. I told him I would take him to another burger place he might like as much as Carl’s Jr. He was one happy guy when we pulled in the parking lot.

  6. AbigailAdams-
    In California, somewhere in, or near Oxnard in Ventura county, there’s a Thai place called, “Fit to be Thai”. When I first saw it from the freeway I burst out laughing. No one else saw it, so it made me look crazy. lol.


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