Legal Insurrection: North Korea is king of melding the heartbreaking and the bizarre, and today, they surpassed themselves on the “bizarre” end. In a fit of nationalistic (and militantly anti-Japanese) spirits, the DPRK has created its very own time zone.
Yes, really; and they specifically chose today to do it, in celebration of the 70th anniversary of Japan surrendering and thus bringing World War II to a close. more
having time zone slightly off from your neighbors is not that uncommon. All of India which is quite wide, is in the same time zone that happens to be 9 1/2 hours different than the EST in the USA. when we crossed into Nepal the clock shifted another 15 minutes to switch us to 9 3/4 hours different than EST.
It works for them and when it takes a 15 hour flight to get home
your body does not care about those 30 or 45 min differences anyway.
The 4 people in the country that have working clocks are gonna be the only ones to even know about this.
“NoKo Invents New Time Zone”:
It’ll be called, “Bizarre O’ Clock”.
Yeah, not like this silly fucking country having everybody (360 million people) adjust their clocks TWICE a fucking year!
Or dictate what light bulbs we can use!
Or tell us how our toilet can flush!
Yeah, those NoKos are REALLY fucking slaves to put up with THAT shit!
Everyone has a clock in NK.
But the clocks are only correct twice aday.
No power.
In related news, North Korea has announced that henceforth, in honor of Kim Jong Un, the only clocks allowed in the country will be cuckoo clocks.
Norks have clocks, who knew. I thought they pretty much ran on whatever lil kim told them what time it was. It’s not like they’re anywhere in synch with the rest of the world anyway. So what does it matter.
Hey kids! It’s Douche Nozzle Time!
NOKO has been in a different time zone ever since the Commies took over. The 17th Century time zone.
Oh, almost forgot, the US will be in that time zone soon too if we don’t stop the fucking Progs. Visualize power rationing, ladies and germs.
They have to have their own time zone since their new Hooflungdung missile is synchronized to it–the timing mechanism was incorrectly set and the only technician able to reset it unfortunately was killed when a mortar round mysteriously fell on his head (while he was tied to a post)–bummer!
I gave my daughter-in-law a desk top time zone clock so she would know what time it was in Afghanistan while my son was over there hunting down jihadis. That’s when I learned about the screwed up differences in their established time over there. Afghanistan is 4 and 1/2 hours off UTC/GMT. I think the extra half hour is the equivalent of flipping the bird to the sane world. Iran does the 1/2 hour thing too.
No food zone