NoKo Missile NoGo – IOTW Report

NoKo Missile NoGo

DPRK (World News Bureau) – Pentagon intelligence sources confirm that undercover operatives in North Korea were responsible for a missile exploding during an attempted launch early today. 



Here’s the complete story @ Breitbart

The latest North Korean missile test failed on Wednesday, with the rocket exploding “within seconds of launch,” according to the U.S. Pacific Command.

10 Comments on NoKo Missile NoGo

  1. Seems dumb to me to confirm undercover operatives had anything to do with this.

    Unless, they did not, it exploded because the design or build had a fault, and they just want to set Lil’Un off on a killing spree of his comrades. People who might actually make one that works. Confirming under cover operatives might lead to them being found and killed.

    Where’s Sgt. Schultz? I know no-thing. No-thing.

  2. Rumor has it that the rocket blew up because the launch site exhaust trench was blocked. Piggy McPigface ordered the execution by fire of his entire kitchen staff of more than 150 people because somebody put too much lemon juice on his dogmeat carpaccio.

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