NoKo Rebuilds Base While People Starve – IOTW Report

NoKo Rebuilds Base While People Starve

CBS News

Seoul, South Korea — North Korea is restoring facilities at a long-range rocket launch site that it dismantled last year as part of disarmament steps, according to foreign experts and a South Korean lawmaker who was briefed by Seoul’s spy service. The finding follows a high-stakes nuclear summit last week between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump that ended without any agreement.

Meanwhile, the UN is predicting that North Korea’s harvest from last fall is the worst in a decade. The UN’s regional coordinator has estimated that 3.8 million North Koreans (about 6.6 percent of the population) are in “urgent need of humanitarian assistance.” More



11 Comments on NoKo Rebuilds Base While People Starve

  1. We built Oak Ridge Tennessee to produce the Uranium for our atomic weapons in WWII. If you trouble to access the documentation at the time, we had starving people in east Tennessee and southern Kentucky while our government spent (at current valuations) hundreds of billions of dollars in their back yard.

    North Korea has a despotic Dictator. We had a popularly elected president.

    Chew on that a bit. History, examined closely, will always leave a bad taste in your mouth. But you can avoid that by espousing talking points others are eager to hand you. Be my guest.

  2. Not worried. It would be really wonderful if Little Kim would behave himself and have integrity, but if he doesn’t then we’ll just have to nuke him into submission. China is behind all this, anyway. And we can go nuclear economics on them, too.

  3. We are going to have to duke it out with those bastards.
    Kim will be worm food inside a year as the old hardliners have him taken out to keep their status, and power.
    Expect a coup.

  4. I’m not really sure why Trump decided to stir up that minor hornet’s nest. I don’t see NK having much of an impact on anything. Leave crazy people in the nuthouses, and don’t bother wasting time on them.

  5. Tim Buktu. It’s because that little bastard has nuke capability.
    Anyway, the people are used to starving, and he doesn’t GAS.
    If they’re not willing to fight the bastard, then they’re already dead.

  6. Reuters still clings to the notion that NK crop yields suffered due to excess heat, typhoon, and other natural calamities. Tell me, wouldn’t SK suffer almost the same fate? They are part of the same peninsula after all. Reuters did forget to mention that SK is a capitalist-based economy whereas NK is a planned economy…AKA socialism. But weather, don’t you know.

  7. Lowell,
    If there were starving people (and I do not doubt you) in east Tennessee and southern Kentucky during a War then they were too dumb to live – or too lazy – or they were living the life they pleased.

    Only in a severely authoritarian (or totalitarian) state must people depend on the gov’t for subsistence.

    There is a short in “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men” (James Agee) where he comes upon a woman sitting in a rocker on the porch of a dirt-floor tar-paper shack (if memory serves, in Tennessee, but could have been anywhere in the Appalachians) smoking a pipe. He asks her “What would you do if you had $1,000?” She thought a second or two as she puffed her pipe, and then answered: “I’d give it to the poor.”

    It is specious to argue that free men who fail (or refuse) to feed themselves are the same as purposely starved slaves.

    izlamo delenda est …


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