NOKO says it just conducted a hydrogen bomb test – IOTW Report

NOKO says it just conducted a hydrogen bomb test

Seismologists reported a massive underground earthquake in North Korea, a suspicious earthquake. NOKO reports, proudly, that this was a hydrogen bomb test.

South Korea just might want to back off their disdain for the American presence in their country.

We just might be looking at a new theater. Should we intervene? The world hates us when we play police. Should we look the other way?


27 Comments on NOKO says it just conducted a hydrogen bomb test

  1. We won’t do anything, but we could do more than spew Obamaisms while the ChiComs are in the South China Sea pissing off everyone. What could it be? Anything to show that Mac was right.

  2. “Should we intervene”? You mean obama? Can you blame South Korea for not trusting our involvement? With our current leaders we can’t be counted on to even save our own guys.

  3. Nope. leverite. mayonaise. Leverite there cuz mayonnaise there is gonna be some irradiated norks and others. Let china and russia police their own hood. Besides, south korea is facing a million north koreans. China is facing the balance of the country to tbeir south when this calamity starts.

  4. It’s only the younger generation that doesn’t want the U.S. military in S Korea. The older generation remembers the war, and is thankful that we are keeping the NORKs from invading. The S Korea army is one tough bunch of bastards, I’d hate to tangle with them in a dark alley. Like the Israelis, they’ve grown up with war and the possibility of war their entire lives. So, no, I would not, at this time intervene. BUT, (if I were a REAL U.S. president), I would make it known that U.S. assets are available immediately if needed.

  5. No height limit on thermal nuclear devices. But I watched that sawed off mofo get turned away from multiple rides at Disney Land last month. Maybe that’s why he’s all war like and shit.

  6. I just had this conversation this afternoon with Van der Luen. No kidding — and neither of us knew about an earthquake. NOKO was just one of several other villainous countries and entities that came under consideration when I asked him, “If we know that a hostile country/islam has nuclear capabilities and their known primary target is the U.S., should we make a preemptive strike?” It was an interesting conversation, given that the U.S. NEVER makes a preemptive strike (except in Iraq) against other countries. But if you know that NOKO has both the warheads and the delivery system and have told us over and over again that they will use them against us, don’t we have an obligation to strike first? What a freaking mess. I wish their target was D.C. and not the west coast. Honestly. It’ll take nuking the left’s mother ship before those morons wake up.

  7. I could understand the hysteria RE nuclear weapons back in the early 50’s when it was widely believed that the damage from them was permanent. Japan is testimony to that falsehood.
    Nuclear weapons are no worse, and in many cases far less effective, than standard systems like carpet bombing and fuel/air bombs.
    The real reason they are not used in the battlefield is that they are not only profoundly expensive to build and maintain, but they degrade rapidly after they are built. Most of the nuclear arsenal existing now is so unreliable that using one of them (except for one very recently built) would only serve as proof to how ineffective the arsenal really is.
    No truly effective weapon is held from the field of battle during war for fear of the enemy using it first and gaining advantage.

  8. A fusion device is more difficult than a fission one, partly because the fusion requires a fission as the primary and the probability of neutron “poisoning” is great.

    For people who can’t even make a Mentos and Coke bomb, this seems a little far-fetched. Our spooks will look at the gamma signatures to determine what really happened, as well as the seismic data, but it sounds like L’il Kim is bragging about his 10 inch.

    If it’s real, it should alarm the Chinks.
    If the Chinks aren’t alarmed, it’s probably bullshit.

    The Chinks have to know that sometimes the unstable “little brother” wants to be the Dad.

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