NoKo shows off new missiles in parade but doesn’t test nuke – IOTW Report

NoKo shows off new missiles in parade but doesn’t test nuke

North Korea put on a huge military spectacle Saturday to celebrate its founder’s birthday, parading its series of new and technologically advanced missiles in front of Kim Jong Un, and in a defiant show of force in front of the world.

North Korea did not, however, carry out another nuclear test or ballistic missile launch, against widespread speculation that it would seek to celebrate Kim Il Sung’s 105th birthday with a bang.

April 15 is the most important day in the North Korean calendar, and Kim Jong Un has celebrated his grandfather’s birthday with great fanfare as a way to boost his own legitimacy as the successor to the communist dynasty.

North Korea presented two of its newest missiles at the parade in Kim Il Sung Square on Saturday, including the submarine-launched ballistic missile it successfully fired last year and the land-based version it launched last month.

The rest at Washington Post

21 Comments on NoKo shows off new missiles in parade but doesn’t test nuke

  1. I would say it is very telling that he didn’t do nuclear testing today. I think Trump got to the Chinese President who put pressure on the Fat Kid. At least for now, more winning.

  2. Kim has a tragic accident, China confiscates the nuclear materiel he acquired, new regime announces it will emulate China’s economic policies, trade resumes, rice and fish for every pot, 24 hour electricity promised for 2019.

  3. “Yo, Kim. I heard you got the keys to your dad’s car. Why ain’t you cruisin’, man? You don’t know how to drive?”

    “I can drive…. I just don’t want to.”

  4. Speaking of 105, there’s a 105-story hotel in Pyongyang called the Ryugyong Hotel. It’s just as empty as Kim’s head. Reports say there’s no piping for water or wiring for electricity in the building.

  5. If I were Kim I’d be a little nervous right now. The Chinese know they are dealing with an actual leader now and that playtime is over. Look for Kim to have an accident in the near future and Chinese advisors (about 250,000 of them) come into the country to help run things. I’ll bet Obama and the rest of the cabal are so pissed right now. Trump, with one cruise missile strike send messages to Russia and China about their client states, Syria and NoKo that screwing around will no longer be tolerated and Ukraine and Poland that America’s back.

  6. It’ll be a fine day when this petulant chubster is relegated to the children’s reading pit at a former Borders Bookstore.
    Jokes aside, he’s damaged innumerable lives in the country he tyrannizes.

  7. Airstrikes are messy and loud.

    I expect the Chinese are arranging a quiet little accidental death. Lots of biological options.
    His grieving successor will ask their Good Friend Xi for temporary assistance. Food, fuel, technical assistance, and about 150,000 PRC troops to help out.

    No collateral damage, no civilian casualties.
    Starving NoKo gets to rejoin the world.

    Trump will be a hero. The Democrats and MSNBC will spin crazy conspiracy accusations that Barron Trump’s trust fund went long on T-Bills in 2015, or something.

    The dogs will bark. Trump’s MAGA caravan will roll on.

  8. @Jethro
    “So, their coal fired submarine can launch a missle?”

    Yes, but they didn’t told you the hole story. Submarine has to be in shallow waters with couple salvage vessels near by. After missile launch those vessels pickup from the bottom whats left of the submarine. On a lucky day they just pickup that submarine and give it inside cleaning and scrubbing of whats left of the crew, give it new coat of that commie green stuff, and its battle ready again. 😉

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