NoKo Threatens To Pull Out Of The Olympics After South Korea Praises Trump – IOTW Report

NoKo Threatens To Pull Out Of The Olympics After South Korea Praises Trump

DC: Not even a week since talks between the North and the South began, and North Korea is already trying to drive a wedge between the U.S. and South Korea by threatening to pull out of the Olympics over Seoul’s ties to Washington.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in said in a speech Tuesday that President Donald Trump made a “huge contribution” to the talks held Tuesday at the Korean border. Trump “made a huge contribution to make inter-Korean talks happen,” Moon explained to reporters. “I’d like to express my gratitude.”

He reportedly said talks “could be the effect of the sanctions and pressure led by the U.S.”

As North Korea — as many observers predicted — wants to separate the South from its protector, the North rebuked the South Korean leader for his so-called “ill-boding” remarks.  read more

19 Comments on NoKo Threatens To Pull Out Of The Olympics After South Korea Praises Trump

  1. One summer Olympics, the NoKo gymnastics team had an absolutely adorable little girl. She nor her teammates was very good, but she was so stinking cute. Tiny thing with a big smile. Kim Jong Il exploited that poor kid. I wonder what ever happened to her, or if she is still alive.

  2. Oh, and it pissed me off when Carter kept our athletes out of the 1980 Summer Games. It only hurt those athletes who trained their entire lives to compete, only to have the opportunity ripped out from under them.

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