Noko’s SNL – IOTW Report

Noko’s SNL

Here’s a sampling:


The sketch shows the president (Obama)with a bloodied head and a bandage wrapped around it with the secretary asking if he is alright.

To which the actor depicting Obama replies: ‘I smacked my head on the bathroom floor and broke four tiles on it as I was so shocked from the North’s hydrogen bomb detonation!’

This prompts the secretary to say: ‘So Mr President, you were testing the hardness of your skull while the North was testing its hydrogen bomb?’, which draws uproars of laughter from the audience.

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I’m usually a fan of horrendous comedy, but this is different.

I enjoy watching a comedian bomb, but I don’t enjoy watching an audience laugh at bad comedy because they have little choice.

That is sad.

ht/ the big owe

14 Comments on Noko’s SNL

  1. I have pity on the Nork serfs, they’ve been brainwashed (literally and figuratively) into believing that the sun rises and sets, and the earth rotates, at the whim and command of Dear Leader.
    And O’Bozo’s taking notes.

  2. A foreign country, an enemy of the USA, blowing up bombs, making fun of obama, American telling them to stop. One of those things is funny, the rest of them are Clinton Dept of State.

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